How to cope with being raped

I recently got slammed in the porta potty at my jobsite (i work construction) by a burrito dicked beaner named Cheche. How do i process this and move on? I am at home laying on my stomach with a bag of ice shoved in between my cheeks. Ive been alternately crying, screaming, and puking from all the vodka ive been downing. I want to die. And no this isnt a fucking larp. I need help. Have u guys ever been raped? I felt so helpless. He just slapped me, pulled out a knife, threw me in the porta potty and told me to face the wall and pull my pants down or hed kill me. It hurt so bad. He left me crying and bleeding on the floor of the porta potty while the flies swarmed my asshole to eat the blood shit and cum. Fuck i want to die

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Do you even lift?

bruh just lift weights

AshkhaNAZI doo doo cave demon :))

go to the hospital and get a rape kit done.

Yea but im 5’8 and 165. I couldnt risk getting stabbed and dying. Hes like 6’2 and 260 at least

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Just accept that you are going to get that burrito ( and his friends burritos ) in your bowels because you are now the bitch. Pre lube before work so it does not hurt as much. Enjoy!

Shoot him to avenge your dignity is the only option

If you aren't joking, sorry and go to the police dude.

This has to be bait

Call the cops

Also you could get HIV

off yourself ya weak faggot.

Shut up and take the brown sick, racist.

If you don't go back and deal with him now you will never be a man again. You will always be a submissive bitch faggot and it will never stop.

you wouldnt have been killed on a construction site just fight back next time. next time make sure u see him coming, bring your own knife and threaten him first before he gets close enough.

Go to hospital
Call cops
see a therapist
>implying this isn't a larp

So sorry to hear fren... You have to poop up some of the bloody cum into a ziplock bag. Label the bag "evidence" with a black sharpie marker, then mail it to your police station so they can process it and get a DNA match.

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just bite the bullet and go to the fucking police. Least you can do at this point is stop cheche from raping more nubile males

Tell us more details about the event.

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weak bich u deserbe

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Go to work and seek retribution

You seem to be taking it in good humour judging by your choice of words.

you get what you fucking deserve gringo. WHITES FEAR THE MESTIZO B^LL

If you took a proper interest in self defense courses (like any respectable man) you would have been able to use at least 3 different techs to disarm this Mexican fellow. I have lived for 30 years without being raped successfully a single time.

>5’8 and 165
Lel. Manlet. Start wearing makeup and pre grease your ass before work.

mexicans have tiny dicks, fake and gay

post pictures. need a new fap faggot

How the fuck do you even... Dude stand your ground, he isn't going to murder you there.

Redefining the term manlet pit

Stop being a faggot and go back.

I think im going to kill cheche anons. Im going to follow him home tomorrow after work and shoot him as he gets out of his car

If that had happened to me, I'd have to kill in the most painful way possible. That or I'd kill myself. Seek retribution.

Dude no, you're just going to go to jail and get raped again.

Shoot him and claim temporary insanity

Is this real or a LARP? If its real fucking call the police and get Cheche deported holy shit

Unless you're larping then don't. Kick him in the balls and ruthlessly beat the shit out of him. Don't kill him. Jail is hell you will deeply regret it and you're gonna get a hefty sentence

If your asking for therapy from /pol you deserved to be raped anyway

Did he slap your booty and call you a boy?

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Post body with timestamp or it didn't happen

this is the fat of all low value men and short men

theres no hope for us, just to get raped and beaten up by bigger men and society wont give a shit (women will cheer it)

if you are serious, call the police, and do it now.

Go tot he fucking doctor, get the damage documented, have the fucker arrested.

show butthole damage or didnt happen.

this larp sucks

^This too

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>without being raped successfully a single time
what? what about the unsuccessful times?

6'2 foot tall Mexican you say?
Seen one, ever?
I can't say I have.

these are the people calling you amerimutt

brown eyed curly haired european "whites"

Successfully.... interesting choice of words friend

How in the fuck didnt you defend yourself? I'd rather get stabbed at work than have a greasy dick up my ass.