Black Nationalism General

>What is Black Nationalism? What are its core beliefs?
According to the official wikipedia definition, "Black nationalism is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that black people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a black racial and national identity." I think its pretty accurate.

>How did Black Nationalism start?
Initially inspired by the success of the Haitian Revolution, political activist, theorist and public orator Marcus Garvey sought to create a movement in which blacks (by which i mean Black Americans) were given a distinct identity and allowed to either return to the Motherland (Africa) or have a system in which they lived in America as a distinct racial groups, with black businesses chipping in to support black communities.

Further along the road, enticed by the idea that blacks could form a distinct and ethnic diaspora, and not just become the race of wherever they were at, Malcolm X was one of the greatest supporters of Black Nationalism in the world, and arguably the most successful in almost getting it established as a real political movement. Malcolm X was an avid advocate of black independence and the reclaiming of black pride and masculinity.

This thread can include everything from the Nation of Islam, to the Black Hebrew Israelites, to the New Black Panther Party.

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Malcom X wanted segregation which is pretty based in my book.

Hello. I consider myself a black identity soldier. I have a story that I'd like to share, and I'd like advice on it.

I was hanging out with my girl. I'm a girl, too. Not lesbian, just good friends. We're both 26. And we were just listening to music in her living room, and chatting about black stuff, as we are both black.

We were talking about what kind of black people we were. She said that she was definitely a mix of black nerd and black fashionista. I agreed. That is definitely her. I was about to talk about what my type of blackness was, but then, her 16 year old, younger brother walked into the room.

Honestly, I was suddenly a bit curious about how he would respond to that question, because honestly, he never really seemed..... lets say.... blackity black black, like me and his sister are. So I was definitely interested in hearing what he would say. Just a sudden strike of curiosity, I guess.

So I was just like, "whats up kid, this might seem a little random, but me and your sis were just talking about what kind of black people we are. whats your style of blackness?"

He immediately (and rudely) called me cringe and then told me he was "just a guy" and that "being black didn't mean much to him"

I told him that I wasn't cringe, and that hes not just a guy, that he was a black guy. I told him it was important for him to identify as black, because that is how society generally saw him. I feel like as an older black woman, it was important I let my younger black kinfolk know how things are.

He told me again that he is just a guy, and then he said, that sure, there is a bunch of societal shit that comes with being black, but he is not going to internalize it and build his identity based off of that because that's supposedly "cringe" (he seems to love that word)

He annoyingly continued by saying that he keeps a mental note of how society may see him, but at the same time just sees himself as a guy.


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I told him that he is running away from his blackness.

I know I seem militant, but I think its justified. If you're black, I feel like its REQUIRED for you to identify based on that. I believe that no amount of you not identifying as black will excuse you from the societal reality of your blackness. And even though he had just acknowledged the societal reality of his blackness, what he said still didn't really sit right with me.

He replied "go back to black twitter" and left the room.

I felt annoyed. Like, a little kid, a decade younger than me, had just disrespected me to bits.

I told this story to my fellow members of PBCC (Pro Black Citizens Committee) (Its a sort of "club" in my 21% black town, for pro black, black people), and they, frankly, told me that I was "trying too hard", and that I should apologize to my sisters brother, because apparently how I behaved is not what PBCC is about.

PBCC also said that if I keep "behaving in this manner", I will be kicked out of the committee, because apparently I am "giving them a bad name". As this is a smallish (not super small, though) town, stories, within the black community of this town, tend to get around.

Should I apologize to the kid? What should I do? I thought we were all about being pro black, but they are being wimps, I feel like. I was standing firmly, and un-apologetically in my beliefs. I don't really understand what I did wrong. The idea that I was "trying too hard", is honestly bullshit. If we want to change our situation, as a race, I feel like we need to be assertive, and I'm not just talking about in situations like with my friends brother, but just in general!

What the hell did I do wrong? And how do I change my behavior that apparently isn't good, even though I think it completely is?

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>He immediately (and rudely) called me cringe and then told me he was "just a guy" and that "being black didn't mean much to him"
He already explained it to you. Being black wasn't a big part of his identity. But I think that you should talk with him about who he is first before you start talking to him about how being black may fit in his identity

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Maybe try finding a Black identity that fought against Jew's rather than controlled opposition, you fucking shill? This is why everyone on here hates the black man and doesn't mind the Ethiopian man. They have a language, their own liturgy, their own writings and books, their own ideas, their own culture, all of it naturally produced, organically.

Cease being a nigger, return to being a Ethiopian.

Attached: Ethopian church.jpg (1600x1065, 1.99M)

thats why american blacks are some of the lowest tier black people. Ethiopia, Southern Egyptians, Cameroonians, Even Caribbeans all have Black Identity that can be used to form one cohesive black nationalist movement.

>fought against jews
whos gonna tell him...

>the success of the Haitian Revolution
Success as in killing white people, or success as in starving afterwards?

Nigger nationalism is about moving away from black countries and areas into non black countries and areas and siphoning off the surplus resources of the more productive society. Procreate and replicate until the entire world is one big ghetto and they all die like a massive mousetopia experimenent

>t. seething frog
the success of successfully becoming an independent country. those whites deserved death btw

Would you call Haiti successfull?

Most backward country in the western hemisphere.

is it or is it not a country? did it become a country through that revolution? did it not, then, successfully become an independent country?

>with black businesses chipping in to support black communities.
hahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahahhahahahaha! niggers.

If the goal was to be the worst country on earth then they were very successful. Africans wake up in the morning thankful that they were not born in Haiti

>the success of successfully becoming an independent country.
nigger confirmed.

It is not independent at all. Cut off their foreign aid and you will see what I mean.

it is by definition an independent country. truthfully, many countries are in that situation

>did it not, then, successfully become an independent country?
user, Haiti is the NGO Republic. Without massive foreign aid to wipe their butt, Haiti wouldn't survive 10 years.

And most of them are in Africa. Looks like at Asia. They are dependent on the outside world but it is through trade. They produce things other nations want and we send them the things they need to survive. Blacks just produce poverty

>truthfully, nigger countries are in that situation
Fixed that for you ;)

nigger, youre not smart. youre only smart compared to the filthy apes that spawned you. yes, we're amazed that you can read and write in the same way that we're amazed when a monkey can do sign language.

Absolutely topkek. The black man is his own worst enemy. Imagine how strong the black race would be if they could just work together and understand even a shred of altruism

Take for example Ghana and South Korea. 60 years ago they had comparable GDP. But since then Korea has vastly surpassed them. And don't give me this. "the white man is holding the back bullshit" The white man literally occupies South Korea.

>t. mutt
well honestly you could also be a spic its really a coinflip with muttflags. wasting your time on Zig Forums while el taco fucks your wife. focus on your own situation yea? youre about to be a minority in your own country mutt

In another thread , I suggested giving the Southern Coastal states to African Americans. Would you be willing to use the ports to stage an invasion of Africa ? You could liberate the continent from warlords and bring peace and stability to your homeland . Thoughts?

brazil was also believed to have more of a future than SK and its not comparable to SK nowadays. when youre racially and ethnically homogenous while also getting the made in US handjob its not so hard

For the first half of their 200 year history Haiti was doing pretty well, until the American occupation, then they just became jew puppets.

Interesting theory. If Blacks were willing to go through with the action and create a united black state in africa, that would be fine.

africa isnt as kino as that sadly and do you really want that? AAs being in charge of ethiopia? AAs running the already failed somalia? AAs ruining the future that paul kagame is paving for rwanda? would be cool for some movie but not irl

Also true. AA's are bottom tier, as I said before. It would be better if more human blacks would take charge and unite under one cause.

Yes I do. Kanye couldn't fuck it up as bad as they have. Jesse Jackson even. We are not allowed to , it will be you or China. You want your woman chinkd and your men to die in slave mines? Better to die free.

Boil the rice, pay the price.

>redpilling blacks about the joos

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