This animal proves Evolution

This animal proves Evolution.

These bacteria also prove the Evolution.

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Very political user.

still believing in s higher power though.
evolution can be „gods“ tool, you know?

Still don't know what the word "god" means. It seems to carry no meaning. It can be filled with any bullshit you want.

>This animal proves Evolution.
What has this to do with evolution?
>These bacteria also prove the Evolution.
Mutants dont prove evolution. They're just adapting to an environment. They're still the same functional "animal"

all animals prove evolutions but ok

cool slug though

This. OP is a retard. I'll believe in evolution when a cat that lives near the ocean gives birth to a fish.

>Mutants dont prove evolution
It's half animal, half plant!

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A bacteria getting over an allergy isn't evolution.
Or do you consider peanut allergies evolution?

see creatures are weird and cool

I consider this examples of evolving to be evolution. You don't know what evolution is, right?

The correctness of Darwin's theories are glaringly obvious to anyone with a triple-digit IQ and the ability to think logically. Obviously, christkikes do not meet this criteria.

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> Cornichon rave monster proves evolution


Wut? Darwins theory was proven weak like 5 theories of Evolution ago. Only an idiot would assume that we still operate under the old Darwins theory.

You require impossible timelines and skewed carbon dating for your so called triple digit understanding, nigger kike. Fact is, you don't know shit. You have dumb kikes defending the discovery of soft tissue from bone samples dissolved in basic acids, even though carbon-14's half life means even if the entire planet was made of C-14, it would all be GONE in about 1,000,000 years. Sorry, Darwinian FAGGOT but you'll have to go back. Still waiting to witness that changing of kinds and not rapid adaptation. STILL WAITING... oh and for missing links, like all the sub forms and not monkeys or giraffes, please. The ACTUAL conversation has moved way beyond that. Retarded bitch xD

It's a kleptoplast sea slug. I still think it counts as 100% animal, it's not like a lichen where you have two things working together - it's one thing eating another thing.

>under the old Darwins theory.
I didn't know it was possible to be this stupid. But I shouldn't have expected anything more from a pole.

>They're just adapting to an environment.
i.e. evolution

It's impossible to completely confirm things which took place millions of years ago you retarded christkike. But micro-evolution is already 100% proven and from that alone, we can make deductions.

Florida's native Green Anole lizard was displaced on the ground by the invasive Cuban Anole so he adapted to a more arboreal lifestyle and his toe pads, over a relatively short period of time, became larger and stickier in order to assist him in finding prey amongst the tree tops.

But that's okay. You just keep on worshiping your desert genie and his kike son. Weak faggots like you need a slave religion.

Christians don't believe in evolution, even if you provide evidence.They just don't care.

Time to create the modern days verison of Judah-chirstan faith
science is gods hands
All praise the most merciful and powerful existence that is the niggerking

Carbon-14 is produced naturally in the atmosphere. We have data for this from ice core samples.
You're right about the 1,000,000 years, which is why carbon dating is only used for about the last 50,000.
Make some better bait next time

>They're just adapting to an environment
wow, you just described evolution. How can you be this dumb? I'm genuinely curious

The dude who's crazy strong and made everything, how's that hard to understand?

>Argues against typical fundamentalist assertion that evolution is just adaptation.

>Provides a known example of adaptation which is specifically in line with that assertion.

The Government?

Adaptation IS micro-evolution. And micro-evolution IS evolution. That's the point.

Not a dude
Not crazy strong, just a little strong
Didn't make most things in the world

No, that's adaptation. Not a fish turning into a monkey, retarded bitch. Go spin another billion years around a different fairy tale, faggot nigger kike xD

Not all of us are retarded.

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> Christians don't believe in evolution
Maybe in bumfuck alabama they don't, I've never met a christian who assumes this position but I keep hearing Americans complain about it.

It's against what the bible say, it's against your christian dogmas.

My point was it's not going to convince them of anything.


Even as a non-christian it's not exactly a clear cut, obvious issue to a layman. If you aren't into the research you can't really have a view about on it one way or the other.

And your mom is against the wall with a nigger.

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Yet we cant prove the evolution of covid19s novel proteins but dude not labmade trust me bro LOL

Even I can do that. Your people must be low IQ. Go to ncbi, moron.