Communism is antiwhi-

>Communism is antiwhi-

Attached: 1597954584948.jpg (872x992, 108.2K)

>jews runing it
>killed 100mil russians/other non jews with it

Attached: 0000 summary communism.jpg (750x539, 56.62K)

Slavs arent white

Slavs aren't white

National Socialism killed more whites, Communism killed more Asians

Yuri here knows what's up. Checked.

>implying those foreheads are white

No-one here says that. The among the first thing communist countries do is the ethnic purge.
It's anti multi-culti, not anti white.
It has also proven, again and again to be anti-faggot, anti-junkie and VERY anti-fatty.

just eradicate jews, bro, no need for cummunism then.

Attached: jew_npc_chuds_foreskins_bunker.png (759x686, 217.22K)

Behold the true Aryan

Attached: heinrich-himmler.jpg (300x427, 16.17K)