are they /ourguys/?
about as close as you can get and still get your shit aired even somewhat loosely
their best bit wasnt anything edgy at all
always have been bubba
I think so.
Knife school was deeply compelling
Hyde's video on the Wayfare storage cabinets is a must see.
One of them is a kike faggot
He just poses as a right winger to make money
Is this real? Seen it before but can’t find anything else on it
are they not?
Charls even refuses to have anything to do with him anymore because he's such a huge kike:
it's real:
They were. I still watch sam's gumroad but I miss the good old days
Who's Jon Corzine?
Nick is my favorite, seems like hes just beyond any of the drama and fear of the big bad modern world. The other two love to comment about and stew over issues that they have no control over. Sometimes I feel Charls is basically the Joe Rogan of "dissident" philosophy. Lots of ambeguities and scary doomering of some stuff. Sam is just your classic subversive art student, but he knows that hes definitely operating on the margins. All 3 have some beneficial aspects about them.
I think Nick is the funniest, but Charls and Ruse were the SOUL of the group.
get your head out of your ass
>walk up the hill with 80lbs golf groceries
>a woman
Knife school is kino
make no mistake about it. this thread is a demoralization thread
everything i see from sam hyde’s “scandal” is just run-of-the-mill dom shit. this dynamic is to be expected from the same people who tell the system they’re a bunch of faggots
what i see here is some girl got mad he didn’t stay with her, and she used it in social media against him
he doesn’t fully understand women yet, but he’s one of the closest to doing so on the right
he’s our guy
Charls might the least sincere out of the three. His arrogance and egotism has skyrocketed since becoming an ethot.
patrician choice, im a knife school man myself
i like em
come back when Charls actually starts working with Sam again
just a prank bro
ur an ugly beaner bro
exactly what happened between Charls and Sam?
eceleb cock suckers are the worst
the hack sam hyde ruined his career in television because he didnt want to take his subreddit down. and now he gives life advice to kids. based!
>Bro dont have fun you cant enjoy stuff here.
Suck my fucking fat nuts. If I want to watcha rug salesman talk shit on old people I will.
Christ man, there's always a butthurt scorned fanboy in every thread. Did you think Sammy was gonna bring you in to the crew and you guys would make killer sketch comedy on adult swim together?
Did he get 20 hours of video editing out of you before you realized you're just hourly contract and not a partner? Did you bail mid project and hold your work until he paid you?
Sam Hyde is a tranny fucking jew
Charls had a mental breakdown because of Sam's faggoty and became a complete faggot.
Nick is chill as fuck and a definitely money and the miles dude.
I miss the old Charles, he definitely has a big ego now. It’s like he blames his current life situation all on Sam. He definitely wishes he could’ve pursued his acting career. I’m sure losing his hair didn’t help either
low IQ sam hyde refused to take his sub reddit down so the show got cancelled, ruining everybodys careers
Sam wasn't getting along very well with the people at Adult Swim and hated how much he was being paid (this is all on record btw), so he made it very easy for them to fire him and cancel the show (he moved on to farm paypigs making monthly what he was making yearly with Adult Swim). Naturally this made Charls mad, but he decided to pitch his own project to AS with Andrew Ruse which failed. Sam responded by having everyone working for him sign non compete contracts to not work with Charls and reported him to the IRS. Charls no longer acknowledges Sam outside of the work they did together on WP (which Charls is proud of)
Only one I keep up with is Charls these days. I like putting his streams on in the background. His long dark night of the soul approach to the world is something I can relate to.
what is MDE? newfag here (joined 4chans 2019)
You shouldn't have to ask if they are your guys you should just know, if you don't know, then you either aren't a guy at all, or they aren't your guys. You're probably not a guy at all.
Orville Review and Mr. Pregnant are kino
>blame Sam
>not the kikes
Yeah, why couldn’t he just follow their orders?
No one knows for sure and Charls won’t ever say. I’ve heard it’s about money because Sam was in charge and wanted a bigger cut.
Fucking hell. thanks.