UFC Fighter Tyron Woodley showing how much BLM

UFC Fighter Tyron Woodley showing how much BLM.


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why does the retarded cuck journalists keep asking questions?

The entire white race is behind you Colby destroy that ape

Hope Colbys jaw holds up

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I'm excited that BLM.

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What a massive queer


Woodley getting cut after this fight. Dana ain't having that shit in the UFC.

who is more likely to win, for real?

My money is on Colby.

Covington is the heavy favorite. The nog has been going downhill hus last few fights.

I would bet Woodley for stoppage but UFC is rigged so Colby will win to satisfy their fan base

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I'm excited that Black Lives matter.

Woodley is actually at a major disadvantage towards really strong wrestlers, which Colby is.

Also, Woodley has had two 45-50 losses in a row. This means he lost every single round in both fights.

Colby is the favorite, but I think Woodley has a good chance to win. Colby is good, but he's small and can't bust a grape with his "punches".

Nigger fatigue is at an all time high.

Can confirm.
Digggits confirm too.

Woodley has ko power and has knocked mf'ers out in the past but Covington has a strong jaw and can keep the pressure so high that Woodley may not even get a power punch off.

Woodley hasn't been the same after he lost the belt. Colby going to wrestle him out.

>UFC is rigged so Colby will win to satisfy their fan base
If that was the case he'd have won the Usman fight.

Colby has better cardio and wrestling (watch the Lawler fight). Tyrone has more power and one-shot knockout ability. If Colby avoids the first round shots, then it's an ez decision win.

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If they were going to rig it why wouldn't he have beaten Usman to then fight Masvial who he has beef with and who is arguably the biggest star among active fighters.

Kill yourself instead of coming on here posting retarded shit.

As a white man myself, I must say I like Tyron's style more.

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I'm not fucking paying to watch people fight

He's an NPC and I guess he's either an anti-white cuck or he figured he would lose his job if he trolled Jigaboo Woodley by saying something or getting real.

Your jaw is never as strong once its been broken, it'll probably break straight away once hes clocked in it.

Jigaboo Woodley might be counting on having the ref on his side like jewsman did, against Colby.

The UFC is owned now by ultra rich Israeli elite faggots connected to Rahm Emmanuel of Chicago. If the judge is a pro-woodley partisan like last time, against Colby. ... Colby should just just take a dive or run for five rounds. He's going to be injured and have his career destroyed if he has to fight Woodley and (((the ref.)))

Fuck Usman for cheating.

Its not a PPV fight.

If I was Dana I fire this piece of shit before it spreads to the other negros in the plantation

It was the ref who did the cheating, jewsman just did some acting when he needed a standing 8 count.

I recommend Colby just hug jigaboo woodland for five rounds and take the ref out of the fight. Who cares who wins? Colby is risking his health and his life going into the ring with a ref already ordered to make sure colby loses at any cost.

What style? Squatting really low and looking for a right hand the entire time?

All UFC fans should know about this

Dana never liked Woodley. He always play the victim in his interview.

Colby fucking sucks though. He literally just has wrestling his striking is fucking dogshit and he punches like he's underwater. He's uncoordinated and sloppy as fuck. Whenever I see something like colby I always just wonder "How the fuck does a guy like this actually make it in fighting when he can't even throw coordinated punches?"
Whenever a guy like this shows up and wants to be "THE WHITE FIGHTER" It's always a fucking bum. It's never someone good like Stipe or Fedor. It's always some fucking bum with a big mouth.

This is why he hates wypipo

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In this fight game, it's a little different than a team sport. You have Jigaboo Woodley playing the "kill all whites" black panther roll, and colby as the great Huwhite hope. Makes for an epic clash with just about everyone invested in one side or the other.