People in Oregon know Antifa started the fires

While the news and FBI and whoever might claim it's fake news, local people know differently.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>this is totally organic and the result of climate change
People simply aren't buying it.

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When will the riots start again? It's been pretty quiet in Portland this week.

Leftist agitators were behind the catastrophic fires in Australia this year too.

OSP has been deputized by Federal marshalls, so any assault on an officer is now a Federal offense and they can't rely on the local DA to just let them go without charges.

Yep, same MO there. Local prosecutors just let the arsonists go because they're obviously working for the same team.

>FBI and whoever might claim it's fake news
Maybe they are scared they might have to actually do something.
Wasn't the head of the Oregon FBI appointed by Comney?

Yeah but there are other Federal agencies which can deal with these problems. DHS seems to be a lot more pro-Trump and a lot less Marxist than the crooked FBI.

Attached: SettingFires.png (956x743, 1.18M)

>protip, in cases of wildfires, there are techniques that include setting more fires; "backburn".

thats not what these guys are doing

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praise kek

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convicted felon on parole goes to DC to riot

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The dude in that pic is my dad works at nintendo tier.

First nomex isn't fire retardant. Like at all. It is designed to not burn but ash. Say you step in a hotspot and yank your leg out your pants aren't on fire but the portion that was in the hotspot turned to ash. Secondly his whole point about pants is dumb as fuck because what he is saying are pants on the left firefighter in the first picture aren't. They are fucking chaps because he is the sawyer.

This dude is just one of those faggots that google shit up so he can get some dick waving done on social media pretending he knows what he is talking about to impress people that know nothing at all.

Just because they have a flag doesn’t mean they are an organization it’s just a loose ideology of like minded allies. I mean peaceful protesters

Disregard the second point he was talking about the rightmost person and it is still a dumb as fuck point. They make nomex pants without cargo pockets. They are old as fuck but they still had them at my shop.

the fake firefighter in the pic has absolutely nothing about being a firefighter on his instagram. not one single thing. but he has awhole lot about rioting and setting fires in portland!

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Damn I've never seen this. Do you happen to know which part of I-5 this is?

They are the same distance apart.

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Yea we fucking do Springfield reporting in can confirm multiple people arrested including some like faggot not far from my house lighting fires. Next one I see doing that will wish I hadn't

A thing of beauty.

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Lived in OR for 5yrs. I miss it.

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Yeah I just want to know where exactly that was taken.

You do know that those are called Hotshot crews, right? And you do know that they do carry fuel with them, right? They do controlled burns to slow the spread of wildfires.

>controlled burn
Yeah, you don't use a regular fucking gas can for those. You use pic related.

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wtf, that img shows clearly that it was arson by someone driving down the road and lighting shit up.

You need a gas can for fuel for chainsaws though. Just like in this picture. And several others.

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Holy shit

Look at all these people with regular 2.5 gallon gas cans! wow!

Attached: drip torch shit.jpg (2476x1448, 1.89M)

>carrying gas cans on the line

I don't care. The dude in that picture is spinning whole cloth. It's bullshit and really fucking obvious bullshit to anyone who isn't a mark.


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The girl and one of the guys are wearing green pants.

Actually now that I look again, they all are. The guy on the left has the same orange chaps as those other pics. So yes, they are fire fighters. They're just faggots at the same time.

is it this guy?

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I just struggle to reconcile them being actual firefighters, who seemingly support Antifa, an organization that burns shit down. Makes zero sense.

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if nothing is burning, who needs firefighters

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I was told by based guy that these were controlled burns