Congrats on reaching 200,000 corona deaths
>He doesn't know it's a hoax.
Don't be a npc normie who bashes the U.S just because the news (NOS in particular) tells you to,
We have more deaths per capita than the U.S (Considering the sitenote the RIVM gave us) so even if these statistics would mean anything your post is just stupid.
Cheers, here's to six million more
Stfu retard go take your schitzo meds. I bet u think 5g is gunna give you ass cancer too
What is 6% of 200,000, faggot toothpaste?
>believes in Jewish media
damn that's a lot of dead diabetics.
it's like how HIV wiped out all the hemophiliacs. they used a tainted hemostasis medicine (made with human blood), which gave them all AIDS. now hemophiliacs are practically extinct.
diabetics are gonna go the same route due to corona.
How is it possible to be this retarded?