Metokur has gone completely MIA after not posting on twitter for almost a week.
Metokur has gone completely MIA after not posting on twitter for almost a week
He has cancer bro, hes prepping for radiation therapy.
is that confirmed? All i've seen were "yeah bro he has cancer" but no proof
Are you really keeping tabs or do you just post as much as possible for shekels?
It’s true. Sorry didn’t save the cap. His C is survivable but he has to take care of it.
Every time you get my hopes up, he comes back alive and well.
I'm sure he's prepping something.
ass cancer
He said it himself on twitter. Don't even remember his fucking account on twitter right now(these e-celebs can't decide on a name) so I can't find it for you
Jim’s rabbi here. His Hapa’s bride is this week and he’s celebrating rosh hoshana. He’ll be back tomorrow.
who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who? who? literally who?
I don't care redditor
Oh no, how will you know which e-celebs and faux conservative grifters are 'based' and 'cringe' now without daddy metokur to tell you?
Grow up and have sex.
He has some weak sauce lymphoma that has a 15 year life expectancy.
he has cancer from watching cnn
Hello Kraut. Please have sex.
He died of covid19
Why do Zig Forums follow a retard that was covid fearmongering SINCE DAY 0? By now I don't know who's the more retard, those who watch him and still say "yeah he's totally right!" and the guy himself.
he's been gone for longer.
dont expect anymore videos from him, its over
If you only see Metokur as a Covid warning flag, then youre way too new and need to go back. His pre-covid streams were kino to the highest regard.
But keep on giving him dosh on patreon :)
No they were not, he was the same faggot riding the bullshit Spencer and the "alternative right" cia movement. FUCK YOUR SUBVERSION, and if you're DUMB enough to still follow retards, then so be it.
It's a slow-acting one people normally don't get until they're 60.
Boomer Jim Confirmed
>it's a zoomers don't understand jim's mo is to disappear when he's bored or no longer into it
I'm sure cancer will do wonders for his already shit 10 years ago work ethic.
I think his opinions on politics and mainstream media to be on point 90% of the time. Plus he puts on a humorous spin to the more ridiculous aspects of said topics. You just sound like a bitter faggot.
>can't decide on a name
nice bait
He's never fully disappeared like this though. He's always at least tweeted or some shit even when not making videos.
>Alt right
Get a load of this fucking retard
He's pretending to not know on purpose.
Whatever you have to say to yourself to DEFEND YOUR LACK OF ORIGINAL THOUGHTS AND BEING A RETARD.
>I think his opinions on politics and mainstream media
What you think is not reality. Kill yourself
He was totally incognito after IA died.
imagine dying to cancer in your 30s
That's Dr Groomer boomer fren
Hm. Well. Hope I can find his ass again, then.
I guess the "get cancer and die" curse worked on Jim after all: special-summoned by sending yourself to grave.
Jim is alright-right. Antisemitic and knows how dangerous corona is.
Doesn't make it less true, caps or not.
Get rid of you phone/internet for a week. It is truly liberating.
>knows how dangerous corona is
Fucking top kek, retard. I just can't FATOM how people can be SO DUMB.
Jim tweets 20+ times a day. I doubt he's doing a "social media fast"
Fuck off spic
>these e-celebs can't decide on a name
maybe so, but in Metokur's case I'm pretty sure it's b/c he kept getting banned. Now he's just fucking around as a soft troll against twitter wanting to deplatform everyone.
Indolent Lymphoma.
Depending on how bad it is, he's got about 10-15yrs left or will die "young" when he gets old (die around 60 instead of 80).
His cancer has gone airborne. Coof coof
Oh Jimbo, we could have been allies *smuckles* but you had to make a powerful enemy instead. You enjoy those chick fil et restaurants yes? *smuggles* well, do you know what kind of salary the founder of Apple bees makes? I bet you thought you were safe eating at another diner *chumckles* if only you could control your anger there mister anti bully *schumckles* did you like that extra toasted chicken biscuit? *smackles* I made it especially for you there Jimbo *chumckles* *schimckles* *chrumbkles* don't forget Jim, the house ALWAYS wins
Ok boomer
At that rate it wont affect him.
If society holds together..cancer will likely have a cure in a decade via custom therapies like CAR T
Nice argument SHEEP MUTT 56%
why do YOU capitalize RANDOM words like a SPASTIC?
His cancer has made his balls infertile and spores all over his body, many such chinese stink cases.
Press S to spit on Eternal Biscuit
Ah, must be obese with a fridge full of nothing but soda like total biscuit. Why are the smuggest e-celebs always like this
He'll be fine. You guys, on the other hand will remain homosexual and succumb to aids.
BECAUSE he's a BOOMER from the EPIC /ptg/ COMMIE