>A former model has come forward to accuse Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her at the US Open tennis tournament more than two decades ago
>Her account was also corroborated by several people she confided in about the incident. They include a friend in New York and Dorris’s mother, both of whom she called immediately after the alleged incident, as well as a therapist and friends she spoke to in the years since. All said Dorris had shared with them details of the alleged incident that matched what she later told the Guardian
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tell her to get in line...there are almost 30 women a head of her
I voted Trump in 2016. I'm no way gonna be voting for a sexual rapist though. Trump needs to stop.
Oh look. This again.
literally no one believes it or cares. never cry wolf.
Absolute state of US justice
sorry but #metoo officially ended with joe biden
lol I can't wait for all the evidence
Turn on your American VPN real quick so I can pretend you’re not a shill.
Why do you keep posting this? He grabbed a chick, kissed her like a chad, she wasn't into it (supposedly), so they both went on with their day. The woman was a model by the way who undoubtedly sucked miles of cock in order to get her modeling gigs. Honestly, it's 2020. You have tried this routine dozens of times and it never works. Get some new material retards.
they are desperate. TRUMP 2020, fuckers.
>thing supposedly happened 20+ years ago
>Now's the appropriate time to come out about this! Not 20+ years ago
Still voting Trump
Sorry, but we've already established that it doesn't matter.
Imagine Melania letting little donnie touch another woman, would never happen
If this were real why in the fuck is she coming forward less than two months before his reelection as President? Trump is the most famous person currently alive, and #metoo happened during his presidency alongside many of his other "victims". Why now? Nobody believes this shit.
I am voting for Joe Biden now.
>other people
Hippocampus - Part 2.
Here we go again.
Even if The Donald dressed up in a clown suit like John Wayne Gacy and kidnapped a bunch of little boys, sodomized them, tortured them, skinned them alive, and cut up their dead bodies into little pieces, I would still vote for him. That goes to show how much is at stake in this election, people.
Fucking kill yourself
LOL cope faggits. It's liberals who are expected to live by those standards, anyone voting Trump just sees him as a chad pussy grabbin motherfucker
trump admitted he grabbed womens vaginas without consent on camera and noone cared. trump admitted on tape during the teen beauty pageants he ran, he would sneak into their dressing rooms and noone cared.
why would people start caring about him raping some lady now?
What woman said Trump was the best ever after sleeping with him?
>true story here
>proceeds to tell fake story...again
>imagine being so lonely you pretend being a trump supporter on an anonymous message board
Seek help user.
You lefty-faggots are done, and you know it.
Trump's ex-wife was named by Epstein's first accuser, Maria Farmer. Farmer states that Ivana Trump used to regularly accompany Ghislaine to procure children. And she was saying this back in 1996, long before the Trump presidency.
They had to go all the way back to 1997? She is getting one hell of a payday if it's true.
I’m sure we all know that he did it.
Still voting Trump!!!
Still voting Trump, no need to explain it is self-evident.
>hurr can't be real because muh party hat politics
fuck off you bootlicking commie shitskin
Your Mom of course, badump-chaaaaaa
foreigners who don’t understand the idiom.
At the same tennis tournament where trump shoved his mushroom cock in her mouth, she briefly saw Brett kavanagh shoving a tennis racket up the ass of Andre Agassi. CNN can exclusively reveal
It’s over maga bros. I can’t support him anymore. He’s gone too far.
It’s not even rape if you take it as face value. Funny that even Biden gets more credible rape accusations than the butthurt women who are mad at Trump because they imagined he grazed their boobies, or something ridiculous.
Trump knew about 9/11 in advance. He's buddies with Larry Silverstein
Obviously not. And you're failure to answer even the most basic of questions only shows how much of a sellout corporate bitch you really are.
If this were real she wouldn't come forward at the most strategically damaging time for his campaign well after his already tried to run for president and had another trope of "victims" that tried to come forward that she could've joined. It makes no logical sense, so nobody is going to believe this.
>say her name
Tara Reid
I predicted they'd fall back on the rape and pedophilia charges. They're rehashing the same old debunked bullshit time and time again. Now we spend a week proving this shit wrong while they grab another topic out of the "orange man bad" hat to shill about for the next cycle.
It's gotten so repetitive I don't need to waste my time personally digging into it, I already know it's bullshit.
Bro for real. This.
Is this fallacy #56,988,665? What will tomorrows Its Over be?
>Sexual Assault
Actually what he admitted on camera was the opposite, that he did have consent. If women LET YOU grab them by the pussy, then it’s inherently consensual. Trump was pointing out a reticent observation that if you’re rich, whores will always consent to your degenerate shit no matter what.
maybe the democrats should have not put up a pedo if they want this to matter
i'd rather take a rapist then a pedophile
especially when said pedo wants to take all our guns and enforce affirmative action nationwide
And it's not like we haven't seen this song and dance already.
>trump felt up a whore model
>biden feels up kids
>still voting trump
She is mistaken, I'm actually the one who did it.
Ok. So why not rally behind another candidate that isn't a piece of fucking shit? Why bootlick some faggot corporate puppet?
Did he ever attend ajy of the Comet Ping Pong parties?
Hey what about that lady Biden raped? Oh she’s a liar? Then this bitch is also a liar
Just accept that he's a rapist and a pedophile, dude.
If a man got kicked out and banned from every bar in his city, is it the bars fault or his fault?
This is the part they always left out, early on I caught a whiff of their bullshit tactics and have been wise to them ever since. Same thing with the "very fine people" lie they always tell.
Because fuck critical race theory and fuck Antifa commies.
Based, now I want to vote for him more
Dunno. I don't recall Trump's name around that event. That may be a different Israeli honeypot, like NXXVM (sp?). I dunno how it works.
WOW........what a co-incidence that this came out just before the election, this, and the report of Dr. Mengele sterilizing innocent women in the ICE concentration camp. God bless these "heroes" for coming forward ! :/
I hope he rapes them all!
Tara Reade was corroborated too. So was the nutty bitch who said women fantasize about rape. What’s your point? This shitll be forgotten in two days like every other “scandal”
What other candidate? The libertarians are spineless yids. The rest of the republicans are neocon warkikes. Every single democrat is objectionable in every way.
Off yourself, kike.
pic related