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This is not a larp: I have worked for the same teir 1 automotive supplier for the past 27 years in process improvement (Kaizen).We have 12 north American plants and 7 overseas locations I'm constantly going back and forth between them all. Every north American sight has had put a stop on vacation approvals for Nov 3 -5 because the amount of requests per facility exceeded sustainable levels. Over 2 thousand pending requests between the 12 sights, and 8 of them are in swing states. It may not sound like much in the grand scheme of things, but I've been around for a bit, and I'm pretty sure I've not seen this level of political anticipation before. The enthusiasm for Trump iscearth shattering

Political Polls had HRC +15 in AZ and she still.lost it..

MeansTrump is winning it.

automotive supplier middle manager
>really an expert in politics
nice try Mossad read more cia factbook

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Someone posted Maricopa county numbers earlier. Something like 10-15,000 new Republican registrations over Dem and that's not including all the independents, Libertarians and Dems that will vote Trump over these horseshit happenings.

its was like 10 points a month ago and everyone knows the polls are scewed towards non trump voters

This. Precedent is predictive. I’m not worried at all.

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The fact its even that close is astounding
Majority of trump supports are closeted in fear of getting ostracized or fired.
Left painted the moderate right as "nazis", so not worth getting jumped over correcting them.

B-b-b-but I thought it was a biden landslide
how are the numbers this close

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