How To Spot Beaner Posters

You can EASILY spot Beaner posters here if you know what to look for; their habits, grammar, spelling, and the subjects they REEEE about.

Here's a few keywords and phrases:

1. "Hard working"
2. "Traditional"
3. "I'm White and worked with Beaners and they were really funny and cool"
4. "But what about Niggers??"
5. "I think Hispanics are White desu"
6. "They're not as bad as those Blacks though!"
7. "Latinas were made for BWC"
8. "Niggers though, remember them, hey here's a meme of a Black dude...ha ha hjahahaha based"

And so on...

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jajajajajaja is this mang serious

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Spic here, fuck you OP you faggot nigger fuck.

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I'm a lame Hispanic

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Just take away their leaf blowers and they all crumble to a heap and cry.

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Jajajajajaja, so many fucking beaners on pol mane. All you Putos need to leave Zig Forums is for white amigos only

t. beaner

You already BWC'd my ancestors, papi.

If they have an American flag

Suck my jorongo

Biggest tell is the american flag

Based Catalonian took my post from yesterday and made pasta from it.

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Niggerinos scared of white and Hispanic allies. Wait till the Koreans jump in bitch.

Our 12 reminders to the Mexicans on this board:

*You're not white.

*You're not niggers either, but that still doesn't make you white.

*Your people don't belong in America.

*For every attractive Mexican woman you post there's ten thousand ogres you call women in your country.

*You brag about your people being trad, but nearly all spics who come to America vote Democrat.

*We're not going to ally with people that are too stupid, weak, and cowardly to fix their own country and flee here instead.

*Neither you nor castizo offspring can keep America alive, let alone strong.

*The children of Mexican American relationships more often than not hate white America and their white ancestry.

*Whatever redeeming qualities you say your race has, they're due to Spanish DNA, and don't outweigh the negatives of your indigenous DNA.

*You guys constantly shill for a Mexican-White American alliance because you know you're dumb and weak and desperately want to be on our level through miscegenation.

*Your larp alliance is nothing but a sugar coated gibsmedat and a coping mechanism.

*Your shill posts aren't fooling anyone. Accept your place on this board, and in the world, or fuck off.

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Change "beaners" to just chicanos and we're good. Mexican nationals aren't cucked putos

que onda wey


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Here's the actual deal Beaner.

There are so many Beaner posters here on Zig Forums with American flags, that they literally think that everyone here just COULDN'T actually be White. They think everyone else is a 5'4" Orc like they are. In their world, "White people" is something you see on YouTube or Twitter.

Meanwhile, 50%, safely, of American flag posters are Beans, Hapas, Chinks, or mystery meat Orcs.

So we have a dilemma.

Bitch some more Ted Cruz

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Another "tell" I forgot to put in my post yesterday.

9. Kekstani flag posters. This is one of the most obvious tells that you are speaking to a Jose,Juan,Fernando...bean person.

Este gringo no tengo probllemas con mexicanos ..

YO muh niggaz raise yo fistz

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Meme flag

10. "When are we gonna colonize beautiful LatinX women Zig Forums?". (Proceeds to post photo of 3/10 Beaner girl who is 17 years old

11. "Latin/White alliance when???"

12. "Where all my Castizo Brothers at???"

13. "Shut up you Kike. There is no such ethnicity as Hispanic!!"

It's easy as fuck because they SCREECH at muttposting. Actual white Americans don't care about muttposting, because it's hilarious and sadly true.

I'm Polish and I like Mexicans

t. Beaner

The "What about those Niggers though" tell...

Found the beaner

t. Beaner

No actual White person "likes" Mexicans. This is another case of Beaners thinking from a Beaner frame of mind.

Bitch, you don't know what you're talking about.

Yo speako da english beana

Lol keep trying moshe white peoplce recognize their own.

Are nigglets included in mystery orc meat?

What about me gave me away?

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Yo yo yo dis here is a burrito

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Das rite. Fo' real americans

Also, remember Folks,

Beaners have a problem with grammar. Especially plurals and their/they're/there...and the use of "Is" and "Are" in sentence structure. They're about one step away from Nigs, grammatically. They can't help it or correct it.

Always be on the look out!

Tolerate would be better word

Prove your whiteness right fucking now post hand pic spics need not apply

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Says the Beaner flag "Kekistani". You Beans are so fucking STUPID you don't even know how obvious you are. Like I said, the Beaner mind doesn't self actualize. Beaners don't KNOW that they're's like talking to retarded children


Why would they be mad about you taking away their dogs?

Exactly. Mexicans are tolerated at best. At worst they are the reason we build the wall.

Beaners are just a step above niggers. Some have light skin and sincerely believe that only being 43% indigenous monkey orc and taller than 5'3" makes them actually the same as a white European. It would be funny if there weren't so many of them.

Callate la boca, maricon y daselo a tu madre, jodio lambebich

are you kidding me? is that a joke..

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I don't have to prove shit to those babyhands, faggot.

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Nothing wrong with beaners. They'll fit right into the US and become just like us, and help us tobecome just like we were.

My fucking sides.
Beaners on the ropes.

user, if EVERY American flag poster was required to post their hands, HALF of Zig Forums would look like a "La Raza" rally forum.

Hey i'm Mexican lol

Ok nigger, keep your kneeled position to jews

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>Nothing wrong with beaners

Ya see Folks, White people don't actually think like this. No White Man says this shit.

white beaner here, i agree. mezitos need to go back over the wall.

True, I bet there's a lot of women here too.
beaner detected!
go back to your country faggot

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I’m fukkin wite nigga!

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Argentina is white though

Yet people cliam this white supremacist cesspool

All the spic cope lmao

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t. Seething Beaner

>"You Nigger"
>"The Jews"

"Tell" #4 on my list that OP posted.
"But...but...but......what about those Niggers"

>I don't have to prove shit to those babyhands, faggot.
Nice projecting, little obese fatty upsettie wettie in his little pajami wammies

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Nice hand bro

No single one Hispanic with an American flag is White

in no fucking way

They are all Native Americans

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nah, you're jewish

It took me a minute but I finally got it.

Seething kike, always trying to divide and conquer

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The are not that many compared to pajeets

What’s the dilemma?

Well you aren't wrong but I'd add most of them admit their identity and take pride in being the refuse of their nation who will never return to "a shithole" but expect to be allowed a place in someone else's home.

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>purity spiralling
The post.

Why are Europeans obsessed with the Americas? If your shithole of a continent that lame?

Didn't read any of that you Chicano subhuman.

>I'm white essay

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lol nico mad

Guess which flag:

1. "Circumcision is healthy and cleaner than having an uncut penis".
2. "Tattoos are badass".
3. "Made for BBC".
4. "It's a dessert shake not the kind you eat with fries".

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This is a fact

You see Zig Forums...the eternal Beaner's "job" here on Zig Forums is to:

1) Demoralize White people out of their seething hatred for us
2) Distract by pointing to "The Niggers" every 5 minutes
3) Talk about EVERY subject BUT Immigration and the fact that Beaners alone have DECIMATED White neighborhoods, cities, just 4 short decades

It is literally IMPOSSIBLE for a Beaner to admit that they are the #1 genetic/demographic enemy of Whites. They cannot do it.

I'm a beaner and do not do this.
But I see what you mean, OP. There are plenty of people who post 1-8 and I suspect they are spics as well.

I'm Hispanic but American first. Don't worry white bros were based. Also I never claim to be white.

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Yeah, I always assume it’s a beaner when I see any those. They’re not ruining my country in large numbers though so I just feel pity for them.

Hello honest Beaner.

Question for you. Can you ADMIT that the #1 demographic and genetic threat to Whites in BEANERS...and has been for the last 4 decades??

A simple Yes/No will suffice.

>If you don't want greasy 80iq spicks to replace white America you're a jew.

díos mio, la Belleza de las Americas

They really are hard working , based , religious.
Worked with them , not like niggers at all
Good neighbors and family oriented
My only complaint is mariachi music

And what are you going to do about it user?

At this point, latinos are deeply engrained in the populous. Intermarriage between them and whites is common. In the southwest and California they no longer just occupy classic blue collar jobs; they're found all over the social ladder.

The fact that even the "far right" and ethonationalist fringe groups have a huge latino presence should say everything about the future of this country

I'm mexican, ama

Yeah, you're so "based" you give a single fuck about the White population losing over 30 percentage points over 4 short decades, but say you "have our back".


I'll take a stand, throw the cholos, pochos and spics into the ocean, we don't want their gringo/niggerified kind back here. We already have enough problems, just deal with them as you will.

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factual. I'm a hapa garbage but at least I'm basically a Nazi

90% of Zig Forums is just spics. What makes you special?

If you're America first then help whites retake America and then go home.

This is pretty spot on. I'm surrounded by guacamole heads every day, and it's amazing how they think they're consider themselves the average example of White America, while paradoxically maintaining a weird Latin pride. In particular, the claim of beaners being "traditional" is a fucking meme. They're not traditional. Their low-IQ subservience to the Catholic faith mixed with their retarded Indio superstitions has only made them hate gays and abortion. They still rape their nieces and have a patron saint of drugs.

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at this point i'll assume anyone who doesn't post a pic of their WHITE hand must be a nigger

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