Stop cooming
Stop cooming
Isn't he 5'4?
5' 11" but pretty much the same thing.
There's no chance in hell he is 5'11,he's shorter than Joe rogan
FACT : Cooming prevents you from achieving your dreams and makes you procastinate. You could instead spend that time doing something to upgrade your skills and create a SAAS business that will make decent money. With that money, you can go to Thailand and fuck real girls and even lady-boys(if that's what you want).
i tried to stop cooming, but then i discovered czechcasting.
it's all ogre now
The way of the warrior coomer: overcoming lust and staying on THE PATH
>t. manlet coping because he was mogged by a 5’11” chad
Who hurt you?
Nah he's a solid 5'11, joe is 5'8. There is a pic with jocko standing next to 6'1 jordan peterson and he's only a few inches shorter. 5'11 is just pretty damn short.
Seeing average women getting fucked is pretty hot desu.
Manlet cope
Show flag.
Show height/license.
t. 5’12” gigachad
Look at him next to rogan and Tulsi, he looks 5'7 tops
just did and going to bed later faggots
Show dicccc
Stop Cooming and Dooming
Clean and organize your room, donate clothes you don't wear and stuff you dont need.
Clean your Carpet and mattress with Baking Soda once a week.
Make Your bed every morning after knocking out 100 Pushups and 100 Crunches, 2 min of Planks and drinking a 28 Ounce Shaker bottle of BCAAs
Quit smoking, Soda, and cut back on Caffeine
Drink a Gallon of Water a Day and Meal Prep
Go on Hikes or walks
Go to the Gym or Train at home, just Get Swole AF
We're gonna make it Bros
user learn camera angles. He's further from the camera than either of them and still taller.
His high school bully.
>"stop cooming, user"
Day 36 semen retention. The plan is to last forever though.
Daily reminder that abrupt nofap leads to prostatitis
Uh bruh
Redpill me on prostatitis.
Simultaneously weird looking but also cute.
this is kiwi
shoe on head + boxxy
and yes she's a legal adult
He is the farthest from the camera, and still taller. Joe is 5'8 himself, so jocko is about 3 inches taller (173cm vs 180cm for you euros)
And he has military boots on. Lmao
Some user from a Russian image board told me he fell for a nofap meme and now can't get his dick up because he had developed prostatitis
Yes, Mom.
which episode, for christ sake?
>Oh wow pictures of women in colorful underwear! So hot! I want to see every single possible variation of this image. >Pretty pictures!
>Pretty pictures!
Get your goddamn priories in order or kill your self you retarded coomer.
>and yes she's a legal adult
>watered-down boxxy + boxxy
He only says that because he lost his balls from all the roids.
>low camera angle
>Tulsi and angry military guy 3-4 ft back
Photos like these are done intentionally to make joe rogaine look taller.