Is there any field more pozzed than architecture?

Is there any field more pozzed than architecture?

Pic related the ugliest building in Boston.

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Attached: 1200px-Royal_Ontario_Museum_edit3.jpg (1200x798, 275.27K)

They are literally trying to use gestalt principles of psychology to fuck with humans by altering their landscapes.

Basically its pozzed for a reason.
>The centrepiece of the project, the Michael Lee-Chin Crystal, was a major addition to the building's original framework. The structure was created by architect Daniel Libeskind, whose design was selected from among 50 finalists in an international competition.
>Born in Łódź, Poland, Libeskind was the second child of Dora and Nachman Libeskind, both Polish Jews and Holocaust survivors.

Every time.

Fuck (((Franz Boaz)))

This reminds me of something out of a Tony Hawk's Pro Skater level.

Public art is usually just as disgusting.

This piece of shit will be put up soon in my city. I can just imagine the disgust Renaissance artist would have for this. Where is the training, the discipline? This looks like a kids design got animated. There is no depth to it. It does not make me awe or think the artist was masterful in his craft. Not at all.

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It is downright impressive to create something so fucking ugly.

Anyone have pic of same building covered in snow?

Nobody builds sculptures anymore.

>not wearing a cool blade runner tier jacket and living in a cold brutalism city
Low t

Attached: L02717_9.jpg (730x727, 51.69K)

Shut up and go fuck a I.M. Pie structure.

Some of the ugliest around. Though i do admit the glass pyramid was pretty cool.

What kind of asshole does this?

You got the right city but too far to the west.

Attached: 24769378-C0B6-4E57-B53F-491B518F7E69.jpg (1400x1400, 245.6K)

Absolutely disgusting

Mit? I remember seeing that for a college campus tour.

Yeah m8

Why can't they just be good and make things that aren't ugly evil or disgusting

I can't understand what causes them to be so destructive. Maybe it's really the Devil.


Looks like a prison.

is that over in Cambridge at MIT?

my old HS on the left new replacement on the right.

Attached: Westwood.jpg (1280x1024, 433.67K)

I've always wanted to ask if anyone in construction, or architect. Is it a nightmare to build these kind of trash fire buildings?

that building is infested with mice and a guy necked himself jumping from the top of the atrium

Eh they both kinda suck

>when your GPU is overheating

yea. i think it's some sorta math building

It's the Frank Gehry Stata center building at MIT. I hate it. The math building is the circular yellow building where most students report feeling vertigo sitting in there.

The funny thing is this has serious issues with leaks and water damage.

Attached: The_Ray_and_Maria_Stata_Center_galawebdesign.jpg (745x1000, 223.84K)

well it was a high school yet built in the 50's it fit the landscape nicely.. that foremost structure was originally the cafeteria and was round..later it became the music department compared to the mental asylum barracks they put in its place it was high art.