CATHOLIC SCANDAL: many baptisms invalid !! (maybe yours?)

>Boazman watched a video of his baptism.The deacon used the words “We baptize you” instead of the proper “I baptize you,” which made the sacrament invalid.

>Boazman lived a normal Catholic life. He went to Mass and to Confession, received Holy Communion, was “confirmed,” was “ordained” a deacon and a priest.

>None of it was real. It is impossible for anyone to receive the sacraments who wasn’t first baptized.

>Father Matthew Hood had an experience similar to that of Boazman. Hood had watched a video of his “baptism,” realizing it was invalid.

>all the sacraments he thought he had conferred were invalid.

>“My heart breaks for those for whom I’ve celebrated Mass, Mass intentions I’ve offered, the confessions I’ve heard, and especially the sacraments of anointing of the sick that I’ve celebrated for people on their deathbeds, my grandmother included among them,” he said.

>Many clergy have failed to ensure the integrity of the sacraments. There are many documented cases of sacraments, including baptism, having been celebrated invalidly. The full extent of the problem is unknown, in large part because of the breakdown of ecclesiastical discipline.

>There is now an urgent need for widespread conditional [re-]baptism.

Attached: infant_baptism.jpg (810x500, 50.55K)

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I can't even imagine being so cucked by authority that I'd believe all my spiritual work was invalidated by some fag using the wrong words when I was a baby. Catholics are the worst.

>baptized as a baby
>live a good life
>try to do good, not judge others, live like Christ
>die, go to heaven
>God tells you to fuck off and sends you to hell because "lol that 90 year old priest said the wrong word"
Do christcucks really?

Jews love sucking the blood off freshly circumcised newborn baby dick.

Whats worse?

Attached: mountain of spam.jpg (836x1200, 378.88K)

No, Catholics are just legitimately the worst denomination to ever exist. May as well be kikes.

99.9% of Catholics have never been baptized to begin with (which is ironic because they think you have to do that to go to Heaven). Sprinkling water on a baby's head is not baptism.

Imagine thinking this is what Christ was about

This is Gods board, Jew.