Max out credit cards?

They're cancelling debt and money is fake and everything is fake and gay. Why not max out the credit cards? Serious question.

Attached: 1200px-Mastercard-logo.svg.png (1200x931, 48.02K)

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>They're cancelling debt

not you, leaf. you already have ubi. fuckoff.

look at the debt clock. credit card debt is going backwards.

Inflation = debt

This is the master equation you faggots need to digest to make some real money. The more debt the higher the inflation to negate the debt. That is, if you are an American.


Attached: 1582853478872.jpg (650x650, 41.25K)

The billions of people that work for it make it real you gold-tard. Something might be "fiat", but if someone is willing to shoot at you for some of it, how real is it to the guy getting shot at and the person shooting?

So the real currency is bullets?

hint: bullets are real.

I've always wondered why there isn't an algorithm that detects when someone maxes out all their credit cards in a short period of time and sends a social worker to their house. I bet thats coming down the pipeline.