Have heterosexual relationships basically died in today's world, Zig Forums?

Have heterosexual relationships basically died in today's world, Zig Forums?

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Dear sweet merciful Christ, those crazy eyes...

Bragging online about being a loser

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imagine being a 30+ roastie and bragging about being ghosted on a tinder date.

And about wolf blass shiraz being 'fine wine'.

sage nigger kike

Western women are so fucking ugly and gross and sad. This is why I dump creamy ropey loads in quiet polite Thai teens instead

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I got married to my high school sweetheart. THANK GOD.

Pretty much everyone I know who still dates has nothing but horror stories.


>guy knew I was an insufferable whore and left
>I paid for it to show I'm a stronk womyn

Lmao. These delusional bitches.

I’m the guy she went on a date with. She isn’t telling the full story. It was so bad that somebody filmed us with their fucking phone, here.


thats setting the bar pretty low

the thousand cock stare

i don’t give a fuck about bar, it’s about valuing my time. I would never date OPs pic at all. I’d try to fuck her in the bathroom at a party and never talk to her again. She looks like dogshit. But they expect wining and dining for looking like a washed up garbage can. My pic related was 60 dollars and I fucked her three times.

Yep. He saw those eyes and NOPEd the fuck out. Look at her face. She's dead inside, and this is her cope post. I almost feel bad. Almost.

Mine did a few weeks ago. Pressing F on it currently.

Cope. NO EGGS.

Sad because she's somewhat fuckable/dateable underneath that horrid exterior but she's very likely a horrible cunt personally

>That forced smile.
>That bucket of wine to numb the pain of the realization that you spent your most fertile and attractive years as a roastie always thinking you could do better.

no white women are turning into onlyfans hooker dogmoms and white men are breeding hot asian women

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I feel like I have seen her before...

Mostly in older women. Women are told to hold off meaningful relationships until their late 30s early 40s and then they are wondering why they are alone because they wanted to work in an office doing nothing for 8 hours a day for a jew.

Lol wut

this. she still is delosional, thinking she can pull way above her weight. She is a 2 and yet she thinks she's still an 8

No, but it wouldn’t really affect you anyway

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yep, giving up prime years working for a jew getting a fat ass, pushing papers around a desk and their SMV goes to 0

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flat face mutt, eww

Hapa fetish is real

Mine did 2 months ago after 11 years. Brofist

>reddit moment

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100% han chinese

This person is a victim of jewish run professional intelligence agency brainwashing which made her self volunteer to be sterile her early years and now she's too old to get a man.

You shouldn't laugh at this, you should be enraged and want to kill modern governments and jewish families even more.

Dating in your 40s as a woman is a lost cause. Just neck yourself or keep participating in the economy. They've played themselves for the useful idiots they were meant to be.

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>fine wine
>pours gigantic glass
So she’s just wasting it?

Platic Mulan got some nice curves though

I have good news lads. My whore ex-gf that dumped me in uni to find her upgrade just celebrated her 32nd bday. Alone. Unemployed. Living with her parents. And WELL post-wall. She got back in contact with me 2 years ago and was devastated to see I'm married with kids already. I wasted 2.5 years ago with that whore, long enough to know how much she's seething over how things ended up.

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>Have heterosexual relationships basically died in today's world, Zig Forums?

No. There are still good women, they mostly go to real Churches that are biblical and have good parents. The problem is they are off the market fairly quickly.

yeah I've never been with a white woman as a white man and I don't intend to any time soon.


She's ugly..
Chink lovers are fags that are in the closet...
Only Asian acceptable are Japanese!
Not yayoi

Haha y’all both got rekt good shit

This dude is so fucked up

This is the bitter redblack pill. If you haven't found "the one" by at least mid college then you're pretty much doomed.

Men are better companions, and lovers

Reminds me of that image floating around here a bunch with that British chick “I left the love of my life because I thought I could do better, now I’m 34 and childless”