Age to begin red-pilling children

What is the proper age to start red-pilling your children, nephews, etc?

I have a new nephew as of last week. He is a sweetheart and his dad is not really in the picture. I want the kid to grow up with solid male role models and teach him the true ways of the world.
My problem is I dont know when a good age is to start dropping red-pills. I want it to be young enough to where he understands but not too young where he will forget.

Any advice?

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Furthermore - my dad started telling me about niggers when I was around 7 or 8. He drove me through the bad parts of Saint Louis and pointed at them and said to me "Stay in school. Treat your boss with respect. And be on time, always."

He never really said anything about the Jews except once i heard him use the word "kike" when he was drinking and playing cards with my uncles (his brothers)

ive been red pilling my nephew since he could talk, he is 8 now.

Be a good role model then. Don't just say fuck niggers and leave it at that. You can start dropping redpills at any age. Its called teaching them how the world works. Once they are old enough to understand things like politics around 8-10 you can start getting into more detail. Also providing an example like your dad did is a really good way to make a lasting impression.

Just be careful what redpills you give. I have mocked Democrats for being so stupid they don't know if they're a boy or a girl since my son was 3. He thinks it's hilarious when we see a tyranny. He will never be brainwashed.

When the kids help you butcher a catch/hunt -- it's a G-I-G-A redpill. Even my 9y.o. sister has slaughters/butchers Chickens/Turkeys/Ducks for us about twice a month and """unofficially owns""" a couple of firearms -- that are 100% legally owned by my parents (by virtue of law -- but not in our imaginations).

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as soon as they can speak. Point out how dangerous Pitbulls look, and what type of people always own them.

Tell them about the "bad men" who brought the virus, and don't want it to go away.

Point out the boys who are dressing like girls, and the other way around, and how weird it is when two boys kiss.

Point out how few people have little kids like him, but so many people have dogs.. or young girls who don't have babies, but they go on lots of dates like Barbie.

Point out the bad men don't want strong people to fight against them.. they don't want strong people to have kids.

Good stuff. Always show them fuckups, tthey know there is something weird about them. Make sure you point it out, make them understand sub-humans.

Based and todler-pilled

I was already red-pilled on niggers by the time I started school. Knew to not associate with them from the start. I have vivid memories of my father yelling at niggers in traffic. He never really said much about jews, but I educated myself on that. My son is homeschooled, so he's not getting the jew treatment that public schools offer.

What do you mean by redpills?

Just start doing manly activities with him. Hiking, hunting, target shooting, archery, axe throwing, sports techniques. He’ll love being around you, and look forward to next time ALWAYS.

The other details follow in seamlessly.

>Nobody here has verified any of this.

My 10 year old daughter got pissy when minecraft splash screen had black lives matter and said and pointed out that its everywhere. Then started saying how dumb it is that aunt jemima was called racist. I agreed with her.

This is good too.. make sure he knows to get Zig Forums - don't let him fall into the soooii boooii limbo of 17-27 and low T because he wasn't eating enough protein, lifting heavy to spike T, etc.

Teach him about women, and how to handle them.. what they are like. I point out all female bullshit to my daughter now, before her insanity hormones start up, so she at least has a base of logic and reason to start with.. she'll be completely different after puberty.

>be me
>10 years old
>retired police officer grandpa
>grandpa drives me through skid row
>”notice anything they all have in common, user?”
>”These people wouldn’t hesitate to stab you and steal your wallet”
>I love my snoopy wallet
>takes me to hockey game and buys me a hot dog
>great day out with grandpa, learned to never relax


Supposedly kids are receptive to environment and learn based on how the people they are surrounded by act and behave, even at very young ages 1-7. Redpills such as ensuring your house isnt a fucking mess, how the parents spend their free time, how they interact with each other and many other subtle things could all be important things to keep in mind if the theory is true.


Based leaf daughter

Based. My grandad was a cop and told me that "all chugs are thieves and drug addicts." I have yet to see any contrary evidence.

Based grandad

If you haven't already been reading him the speeches of Hitler in utero, it's probably too late. Good luck with your gay nephew

east st louis is a great place to red pill kids. my dad did it to me too

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When my sons 10 and 12 get lazy and dont do their homework or get a bad grad on a test, i give them a little ribbing about how they will have to be in a class next year with a bunch of the dumbest meanest stinkiest niggers in the whole school. You're white fucking act like it!

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Kek. My dad didn't do that but my friend's dad did once. We drove by the Mexican part of town and pointed how trashy all the "aliens" houses were. It must be a white dad thing.


Once they're old enough to retain not just knowledge but also wisdom. When they can think critically and independently. If you send them to public school at any point in their life however it will already be too late.

Kids can be redpill themselves sometimes

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i thought about this since i have a son who is almost 1 year old and i decided for myself that i wont drop any hard redpills while he is in school, but i will teach him of critical thinking and questioning generalisations