A nigger in a Brianna Taylor shirt walked into a restaurant in Louisville and randomly killed 3 white people.
Time to wake up and start carrying my friends.
A nigger in a Brianna Taylor shirt walked into a restaurant in Louisville and randomly killed 3 white people.
Time to wake up and start carrying my friends.
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Will anyone look at this?? Hits on white people are happening as we speak!
Niggers really want to start a race war
Nigger we've BEEN in a race war since Fentanyl Floyd ODed. Whites are just such pathetic cowards we won't fight back.
Media isn’t sharing that he was a nigger or that he was wearing a breanna taylor shirt. This was literally a hit job
This. All you fuckign idiots are gonna do is post funny green frog on the internet and be a disappointment to your parents.
BLM Protestors are more honorable that you cucks. I don't see you retards out on the street raising your voice
He's right but it shouldn't come to that, they have to stop worshipping and deifying criminals.
I hold MSM and the DNC more accountable than BLM in this, BLM are just tools, mostly children, they're the leaders and elders with decades of experience in which to know better. I'll put them back in the shed should it come down to it but I won't have any joy in it.
>I don't see you retards out on the street raising your voice
>Go on goys, go out to the streets where antifa and cops, the two useful idiots of the same system, will crush you. Go on and be victims goyim
Kek I mean thats what I'm gonna do as well lmao
Ban all leaves.
We are civilized not street migger animals like you
>Time to wake up and start carrying my friends.
>trying to wake white people up
Dude no one is going to come to save you. You gotta save yourself first.
>We are civilized not street migger animals like you
Please leave your bedroom. Please.
This is literally the dumbest shit I ever read today. How long are you gonna repeat this shit? It's even worse than the "Trust the Plan" Q larp shit. When they're circled your whole town, I bet you wish that you'd listened and grouped together with others to protect your ass and family. One thing is for sure: If these niggers ever sneak up here, I am gonna take my gun, locked and loaded and won't hesitate to shot every single nigger that is on my property. I am sick of this "wahh let's just do nothing and watch and stand by" shit.
America is fucked. People here actually beat up the police for shit like this. This would NEVER be tolerated in evropa
Jews. Wanna pay back, pick on jews.
Fuck off glowie
Nobody's stopping you except your JIDF officer
Who cares about this shit?
Another case of incel rage leading to murder
What a shame
people who like to go outside
It is a violent nigger executing whites
I would think anyone who leaves their house/goes out to eat
>there was nothing political about it.
Sounds like the parents of the 5 year old that was shot. Just because you don’t want war doesn’t mean it not happen. Geez, when will the people wake up?
I’m trying to tell you retards to carry a gun to defend yourself from random nigger violence. I personally don’t need shit from you all. I just don’t want you to die, faggot.
Louisville, Kentucky: Three White Men shot dead by a negro wearing a Breonna Taylor shirt
Negros think they have the right to kill and genocide white people. They do it in zimbabwe, south africa and everywhere they're and yet act like they give a damn about human rights? They don't. They just use our emotions against us in order to get free **** and to slowly sneak up to kill us. White people need to wake up to the reality that blacks are savages and won't be tamed by us to be part of any society that we're in. We can NOT expect them to respect our human rights or the future of our children. This is why we need to separate along with the fact that all races should live amongs their own people.
Of course the media won't say a damn word for the simple fact that they're in on it and want us gone
Stormfront - White Nationalist forum
VNN - Vanguard News Network - White Nationalist forum
Thank you. Finally someone who gives a shit. No white genocide here! This needs to be the spark you fucking faggots.
You ready for the recewar whiteboi? You should be scared.
>BLM Protestors are more honorable
Today I learned that harassing venerable old people and other innocent bystanders is considered "honorable".
Tyler, go to bed.
Likewise, I also thank you as well. Please share the links with others who could benefit from seeing they're not alone in their concerns hopes and dreams. Our story isn't over yet
Sent it to my friends who give a shit. Wish I had a wider reach. Redpilled my friends and family so bad that they can’t contain their powerlevel, but am trying to teach them to keep it in unless necessary
This has been happening for decades. People should study the 'Zebra murders' - it was basically a loose coalition of blacks in the San Francisco region who decided to start murdering whites. Only a few of them were ever caught and prosecuted. The Zebra ideology also spread across the country, leading to the murders of hundreds of whites, including several mass-shootings/massacres. And this is buried by the media and almost completely forgotten today.
Help me broadcast this hit, friend.
Hope to see you contributing on both of those forums . . . we've been growing and need to keep doing so. Ex-normies finally are seeing how dire our situation really is . . .
Keep up the good work!