Was Ron Paul the best Republican presidential candidate of 21st century? Did RNC fuck him over back to back?
Ron Paul
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Yes. Every single problem in our world right now can be traced back to fiat money. Fix the money, fix the world.
he was alright. he would not have saved white america but i guess he would have been better than the alternatives
Yes and yes. /thread
Yep they sabotaged him hard.
White America went beyond saving since 1965 Hart- Celler act. I don't think any politician can do anything now to save white America.
He was the biggest threat to the establishment, yes
Is this for real?
He would have got buttfucked by congress and globalist powers keying in on him. Good man, but not a fighter.
Ron Paul was the last real option to save America but of course, the political system wouldn't have that. Similarly, the last leader who truly had the interests of Canada in mind was John Turner who unfortunately lost the elections in the 80s (he died yesterday at the age of 91). It's an unfortunate reality but this is the corrupt world we live in OP. Democracy hasn't existed in your country for a very long time, if ever.
No, Marco Rubio was
>Young Hispanic conservative that could appeal to the Latino vote but still cling to the conservative base
He would have had the power to fundamentally change Federal Reserve and Military Industrial Complex. Those were his two strongest points and why people wanted to vote for him.
Yes. Some media outlets literally censored him.
Pat Buchanan > Ross Perot > Ron Paul
yes, he wanted to END THE FED
Based, I disagree on the gold standard issue though, ask me why to get wrecked
t. neocon
The entire "tea party" astroturf movement was created to push Paul out and give the anti-establishment sentiment something more kosher and neocon (without the whole monetary policy aspect). Granted Rand Paul and a few other good people capitalized on it but in the end that sentiment wasn't satiated and is what got Trump elected.
yes and yes
The thing is in the US, you can't go against powerful interest groups like Fed or MIC and reach the highest office in the land. These groups just have too much influence.
Hard money is essential for stable society. Keeps debt low and encourages long term growth instead of short term consumption. The big problems our society faces will never be coordinated with fiat money, we will just continue to over leverage and kick the can, making the coming reckoning even worse.
We have to take money out of the hands of government. If they control it, they control us. Separation of money and state is the single most important political issue and solves 99% of our current problems.
His policies are standard Republican policies. Nothing extraordinary.
He was the real deal, however there's no way he would have been able to enact his program if he'sd been elected.
He was opposed by the media just as much as Trump was, however he was a nice old man so they used a different approach.
>He would have had the power to fundamentally change Federal Reserve and Military Industrial Complex
Wishful thinking. Nobody was beating Obama in 08' after the financial crash. Bush's approval was in the mid 20s at that point. 2012 he could have won, but on the off chance Republicans took both chamber of Congress he still wouldn't have the margin to pass those bold reforms. Too many filthy rats in the GOP. Any Executive Order on those touchy subjects would have also been struck down by kiked courts.
Did Liberals lose their heads over this image and label Ron Paul as racist and anti- Semite?
Okay, but at least he would have more sway over foreign policy and could have changed that fundamentally.
About Fed, I don't know what he could have done. But at least he would have been able to move the overton window on this topic. That would have been an improvement than what it is now.
I agree the fed is too politicized and we should not allow it to set interest rates or print money at a faster rate than economic growth
but it is better to have fiat than gold
Golds supply can not keep up with economic growth like fiat can
A single shortage of gold can lead to a depression, and drastic increases in the gold supply leads to inflation
Pic related notice how we haven’t had major drastic changes in the money supply after the fed was established
In the 19th you had lots of depressions but you don’t hear about them many often
Gold is dead, reform the fed
Ron Paul created Rand Paul
It got so bad liebowitz started defending Ron Paul on the daily show