President - Richard Spencer
Vice-President - Jared Taylor
Secretary of State - Patrick Little
Secretary of the Treasury - Andrew Yang
Secretary of Defense -
Secretary of Homeland Security - Baked Alaska
Secretary of Education - Pastor Steven Anderson
Secretary of Labor - Mike Enoch
Secretary of Health - Ellliot Rodgers
Attorney General - Nick Fuentes
Name a better US government
President - Hitler 2
Vice-President - Hitler 3
Secretary of State - Hitler 4
Secretary of the Treasury - Hitler 5
Secretary of Defense - still none, just like in your post
Secretary of Homeland Security - Hitler 6
Secretary of Education - Hitler 7
Secretary of Labor - Hitler 8
Secretary of Health - Hitler 9
Attorney General - Hitler 10
kill yourself
fuck off jews
spencer is based, fuck off shill
President - Mel Gibson
VP - Ron Paul
Sec of State - Robert O’Neill
Sec of Treasury - Marine Commandant
Sec of Defense - Don Shipley
Sec of Homeland - Marcus Luttrell
Sec of Labor - Myself
Cabinet is complete. We have a fair amount of special forces leading the government, good luck foreign nations.
I trust none of these morons.
AOC America.
Dictator - Billy Roper
Done now fuck off democracy cuck.
literal whos and mel gibson is australian he can't be president
My treasure takes the USMC approach and guts the budget to only bare essentials, we just saved tens of trillions each year from not giving handouts to everyone.
>Secretary of Homeland Security - Baked Alaska
why, I know he has personal issues but baked is pretty cool and smart
>the only people good for the job are all armchair fascists shaking a tin can on youtube
Robert O’Neill seal team six, man who killed bin laden and was part of captain phillips rescue
Don Shipley legendary special forces
Marcus Luttrell another seal who was the lone survivor of OP red wings
American hard men who kick doors for a living
none of them have political experience, just grunts
fuck off
I wouldn't trust Baked Alaska or Richard Spencer to run a garage sale, let alone a country.
they are better than trump
Eternal Emperor of the American Empire - Baron Trump
baron is a kike lover
>Secretary of Health - Ellliot Rodgers
will i get a free glock and ink for my manifesto?
whose Richard Spencer?
What has he done?
What are his best works / contributions to america?
Has he helped anyone in a tough situation?
Sounds fucking gay tbqhwy especially with that glow in the dark kike as president
WH Taft
Zachary Taylor
Paul (the older or younger)
Paul (the other)
>Dissolve EDU, seriously, that's a state's issue, fed was never intended to be involved.
Coolridge, because fuck me!
Bring back the godfather from the CoViD-grave!
>AttGen: Kam Harris, because she hates negroes more than I do, obviously.
he organised charlotsville, which gathered more support for alt-right and triggered liberals
>richard spencer
>charlotsville, which gathered more support for alt-right
ahahahah kys
>President - HITLER
>Vice-President - HITLER
>Secretary of State - HITLER
>Secretary of the Treasury - HITLER
>Secretary of Defense - HITLER
>Secretary of Homeland Security - HITLER
>Secretary of Education - HITLER
>Secretary of Labor - Mike Enoch
>Secretary of Health - HITLER
>Attorney General - HITLER
George W. Bush.
Mike Huckabee.
>Secretary of State
Rick Santorum.
>Secretary of the Treasury
Bernie Sanders.
>Secretary of Defense
Michael Flynn
>Secretary of Homeland Security
Erik Prince.
>Secretary of Education
Sarah Palin.
>Secretary of Labor
Noam Chomsky.
>Secretary of Health
Ben Carson.
>Attorney General
Ted Cruz.
Find a single flaw with any of this. You can't. Religious Right cultural conservatism + NazBol economics.