Which one of you did this?
Gen Z Tattoo
shill and spread the idea. god speed user.
Zoomers are stupid
That's a comfy tattoo not gonna lie
Sounds like a stupid idea for anyone to do. Like a kike scheme to mark them for whatever nefarious reasons. I wouldn’t recommend doing this, kiddos. It’s like being stamped with an expiration date or a cattle brand to mark yourselves in this identified manner.
Kek, I hope some Jewish teens unwittingly got it done
I love how tattoos have blown up, it's much easier to see who's worthless as a person with them everywhere. Tatted? Worthless.
This is much cooler than eating Tide Pods all day.
Did they mean Xi?
>the letter z is now a nazi symbol
Found the jew
Remind why people think banning TikTok is a bad idea? It's literally a tool that decreases the IQ of everyone who uses it and promotes herd mentality.
lmao, no.
tats lower value
it looks like some kind of retarded fake currency from a sci-fi game
A rule for haughty chosenites.
>haughty chosenites
what the fuck does that even mean, you pretentious snob. come on, show your tat then.
Based Gen Zyklon b with Wolfangel tattoos
Found the moron with some tattoos
I inironically thinknthe wolfsangel is a good icon to use. Its use as a forestry symbol for boundaries seems nice.
>Stop predatory capitalism
>Stop masses flooding our borders
>Stop moral degenerarion
>Stop promoting class conflict
>Stop others from ruining our natural parks, etc.
Essentially using it as "here is the line in the sand"
>Senior TikTok correspondent.
This world needs to burn...
Tattoos are for degenerates
true. it's also depressing how 3/4 of millennials are worthless and it's in your face constantly so you cant even pretend.
nothing more degenerate than face or neck tattoos.
Sorry man, but tattoos are not edgy anymore. Even full sleeves aren't uncommon enough to be cool or rebellious. Every stupid whore has some gay "Live Laugh Love" tier tattoo. Nobody cares anymore.
When tattoos were mostly the domain of sailors, soldiers and bikers then they were cool and different. Nowadays it's neutral at best and most of the time a sign of lower class unless it's really amazing or meaningful artwork.
gen z
last generation before the reset
last generation in the age of Pisces
nothing is coincidence
gen z has this synchronous appellation as a symbolic manifestation of the next stage in our collective psychodrama
Christ said " I am with you always, even to the end of the age." The age of Aquarius beging with Generation Alpha. So, too, the spirit of antichrist will close the age of Pisces and usher in the age of Aquarius.
>Aquarius beging with
*Aquarius begins with
Is it just the ADL saying this is a nazi symbol? Because you'd think Zig Forums would know about it if it was, and I don't remember this one.
they even got the wooden doors right