im sick of it. all of you are bullshit. how do i go back to how things were normally? im sick of being a racist, im sick of trying to convince myself that black people and jews and all minority groups should be killed. im tired of all the shit i say regarding niggers and fags. this fucking sucks, i want to go back to being a normal person instead of seeing life through this fucking website. i hate going out in public and viewing people solely by their race or the colour of their eyes. im not going to be joining the black lives matter bullshit, but im sick of all the shit that i have been bent to believe over the years by this shitty website. all of you are bullshit. every single one of you. every argument i see here just seems like another incel coping because they are poor or they are virgins. all of you say bullshit that just turns into more bullshit until every single thread is just people seeing who can be the most "based funnny redpilled guy" because nobody has real friends or any sort of family to feel a sense of community towards outside of this website. fascism is dead, communism is a joke, contemporary society isnt tolerable, and everybody i meet just seems so empty and depressed that i dont even want to talk to them.
Im tired of this shit
Other urls found in this thread:
it's called deradicalization
good luck
looks like you are Canadian. sounds like you are retarded.
Start a family. I would, but I'm currently still rather fucked and trying to unfuck myself. Being sick and tired of the internet and wanting more is the sign.
Good luck, been trying to do that myself but once you’re red pilled there’s no way your brain is going to convince you to believe a false narrative
i would like to, but i feel like i should wait a little longer. majority of women in my area are whores, but i know that the ones who dont put themselves out there as much as other women are the real prize i should be going for
its not like you are going to get me to stop trying by saying this. i know what i am doing is right.
It's about accepting that this stuff exists, but not allowing it to consume your life. I myself am growing tired of the internet because in all honesty it's a toxin. It's everyone being the worst that they can just because they can.
You'll be okay leafy
You're here forever.
you are 100% sure about that?
also cool id
Let's be honest, user. You wouldn't still be on this website if you didn't feel that there was at least some measure of truth and value in what some of the posters were saying. If everyone was a retard, you would just leave, right?
Live with it leafnigger, everyday I go outside and whenever I see a black person or other minority doing something productive or just being well off I think “I guess they do something halfway decent sometimes” and I go about my day. Don’t be so autistic and be normal faggot
Are you the leaf who sent ricin to POTUS?
dude, you're just looking at the world the same way they look at the world.
get a grip or they win
Your not going to un-learn what you know, this is the "you cant leave" that you see and its very true. I think you and I are in simialr places, personally my focus is just on the few things the bring me happiness and just focusing on those. I still want to know whats up and Im still spreading and making memes but for instance all im thinking about is land im about to buy and how many amp hours of solar I can get by with. Good luck leafbro.
You were warned.
Literally going outside and observing that minorities are people should about fix it
Stop reading this website and start reading books written before the 20th century. I bet you never read a single book on race or German nationalism.
Nice try, Shlomo.
>I wish I were dumb and ignorant again
Nothings changed, you're just late to the party. Nobody is invited, but everyone eventually attends.
Stop reading racist shit and taking blackpills like a druggie , idiot. You harm yourself by doing that shit.
Says the guy in his religious ethnostate.
> not realizing Zig Forums is 80% larp 15% fed bots and 5% truth
> Taking Zig Forums seriously
> Not realizing life is one big chaotic joke
Take the clown pill canacuck
user, you poor dear. I'm not being mocking here. I love you. You've taken it all wrong. If this is really the effect that Zig Forums has on you, then perhaps you should stop using it? My only concern is that you will go through life on some level being torn between "the truth" and what you want to believe, when in reality they're in perfect alignment.
I'm a former anarchist radical feminist lesbian, and a former "coalburner" (not quite, but close-ish). I know I'll get dragged for saying that. I don't mind!
The fact is, none of what you *learn* here is so incompatible with my past that is hasn't actually been a helpful progression to be exposed to it, for me.
Races are different! They're different. But that doesn't make one (believe what you want, mother-heckers; muh "good v bad" dichotomy) better than the others. The man I wanted to procreate was never going to be wonderful, because we were different! he'd be an incredible dad, I'd be an incredible mum, we both saw that in each other, but we just aren't the same.
Likewise, homosexuality - go for it, son! Who gives a crap? But the fact of the matter is, homosexuality naturally functions within a society where it is practised discreetly by males on the side, who don't have to commit their entire life and identity to it. It's how people WANT to behave (e.g. boipucci; gay black men being "on the down-low"). It was actually a concession to small-minded assholes that the gays started marketing themselves as "born this way, like this for life!!!" like it was some incurable disease normal people needed to pity, instead of - as early (((queer sociologists))) unanimously agreed - a thing that some/most people do sometimes. No biggy.
Tl;dr (reddit as fuck, fuckers; see above):
EVERYTHING POSTED HERE IS SATIRE - whether or not it is so intended, you need to take it like that or you will rot your brain. If you can't cope, then bail. But to be honest your far deep in enough now that figuring it out seems to be your only real way back. NOTHING YOU READ HERE SHOULD MAKE YOU LOSE FAITH IN HUMANITY ANY LONGER THAN MOMENTARILY. Otherwise you're doing it wrong. Laugh at "n-word humour threads"? Then go out and have a pleasant encounter with a black person, and realise you dun goofed falling too hard for the hate-meme. Such is life.
Easier said than done...
Go out into your local community and help some people at ground level. Be a fucking fag and be sociable. Give basic gratitude to whoever you talk to. You’ll feel connected at least some level and break your break your blackpilled spiral. Everything on earth is fake and gay but helping the people in the closest daily proximity to you is a primal enjoyment as a man.
Also all the hitler and nigger shit is just ironic to see people start taking it seriously and laugh at them. This is Zig Forums not fascistUSA dotcom or hitlerfucksdeadniggers dotcom. You are taking this redpill shit too seriously and I am laughing at you. Stop and enjoy the simplicity of being alive and free.
Take control of your mind bud. You don't have to participate in their psycho hysteria
Every single time.
You got redpilled. No going back to your fantasy land.
We didn't trap you here, you came, you saw, and you stayed. If you want out, just stop using the internet. I doubt you'll listen, but that's literally the only way. You must also pray to the god. The goodness left in you will show you his way. Many of us understand what you're going through, even if you're trolling, there's an element of truth with what you say. We don't want you to feel pain user, go out and live for today, kid and play. Love your family and know that time goes fast. Many of us here are extremely sad, we know it, that's why we joke this way. Don't wear yourself fray over memes depicting what we see decay. If you're not cut out for it, run tf away. Just run away. Your reality will actually change if you do what I say. We define reality because you listen to what we say.
Hey glowies I think this might be the guy who sent trump that letter.
Hey user, please see my posts above.
Today I saw the "women hate threads" and I was forced to reflect on my own behaviour in that regard.
I am sorry, I don't know what to say to you other than I really do believe there are some of us who aren't (straight, cisscum, etc etc) white males who need and profit from an environment where there is real freedom of speech. And say what they like, wading through all the hate and nastiness (ironic or otherwise - and much worse for you than me for sure) does mean that those of us who remain are not only rational and intelligent enough to participate, but on the whole much much more mature and less fragile than the average poster here. WHITE MEN BTFO (jk
> Whiney leaf.
I'm sad to call you a fellow Canuck. Sad nigger fuck. Grow up you fucking spineless piece of honkey shit.
Whatever you do, don't go to Zig Forums to learn about cultures. I went from racist to super racist after visiting
Those affect me too. Being a black woman who is also a christian every hateful thing that gets spewed here affects me. I am none of the things that the people here complain about, but being this shade means that it's not good enough. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either I'm censored out there or taking Ls from all sides here. I don't have many friends because no one can relate to me, so I just end up like this, on pol, either joining in the fray, or being consumed by it.
poor lil feller
Be careful.
Or you’ll end up like me and so many others, as the evidence piles up in front of you. I was once just your average shit poster when I first came to Zig Forums for some “epic Nazi trolling” and within a year I found I agreed with more than half of what was being discussed. By the end of the second year, I was indistinguishable from all the rest.
But the terrible truth of Zig Forums is that it’s as liberating as it is horrific.
You lie to yourself less, but you begin to refuse to accept the lies from others, even the well meaning ones. Your personal relationships with the few people you can stomach will suffer and degrade under the stress of the constant need to suppress the knowledge you have attained from being here.
In the truth, you’ll be sickened by the world, yet you’re constantly drawn to seeking the same truth.
It’s a counter hugbox.
Zig Forums is the hurt-box.
Instead of locking out reality in your hugbox like a progressive, you’ll force yourself into this hurt box on a regular basis.
Zig Forums is a self inflicted spiritual and intellectual masochism as the price of placing truth above all else.
You could have prevented this.
I feel you sister, to a small degree though I know it can't be a patch on what you go through. As a Christian, I would say, for me at least - Zig Forums is the ultimate masterclass in turning the other cheek.
"If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere!"
If you wanted to find a way that felt non-glowy to establish some sort of communication where we could just be people who were too smart for normal conversations but didn't want to have to run the dehumanisation gauntlet every time we wanted a bit of contact, well, I'd be down for that.
I'm sorry you suffer, but I know that you're strong and will become even stronger for it.
Fuck you Chang
yes, as another user said, trying to cover your eyes with a veil of lies again is almost impossible, you'll always see the ugliness of the modern world. You can chose to ignore it, but it won't be erased.
The issue is most people you’re going to find on here are super lonely, bullied, unpopular or some combination of both.
These unpopular folks gather here as a way to belong. They obviously want to take different viewpoints than those that have hurt them (regular, non racist, non radical people). Therefore this place has become somewhat of an echo chamber of extreme views- no one here wants to think or act like the normal people in the real world that don’t accept them.
The people here are doing their best to be different than the normal people- which is why they react so strongly when they are accused of what they accuse others of (being a snowflake).
This is why we have such a divide in politics now- the current political climate has emboldened these “losers” and given them a public forum on which to screech.
In summary, the only way not be like everyone here is to leave this place. You will find the world outside to be much more reasonable and pleasant. Once you meet people of different backgrounds you will realize everything you’ve read on here is more than likely not true. You will grow as a person, find a girlfriend, make friends, and live a much happier life.
Op chill the fuck out
It's only banter
This is clown world, it always has been. Enjoy it.
There has been a lot of supportive and productive conversations I've had here, but lately-- this week especially it's just been thread after thread of low effort race baity content. But Zig Forums is the only kind of social outlet I use unfortunately since I don't go out much I figured I didn't need to use anything else
You've never lived with or dealt with niggers have you...
>Live in weed legal country
>Not stoned and enjoying anime/riding bikes/ lifting weights
Honestly, it's like you want to be miserable
came here to post this
untrue, the streets stink of shit and third world invasion, and nobody seems to give a shit, even worse, they'll try to shut you down. Always pointing the individual cases, this board tends to talk about global problems leaf. Coming here to screech and talk out of frustration isn't totally illegitimate and can be understandable since it's becoming undeniably worse everyday.
take a bunch of mind control ssris and read/watch CNN and MSNBC 24/7 for a few weeks, while repeating to yourself all the headlines as if they are 100% true
just go back to sleep
we don't need weak people
Fuck someone gee user
>i want to go back to being a normal person instead of seeing life through this fucking website.
There's your problem. Read a book and learn something you fucking nigger.
>You could have prevented this.
Fuckin how goddamnit?! I had no choice but to seek out the truth. So basically the NPC meme is real?
>im sick of it. all of you are bullshit. how do i go back to how things were normally?
There is no going back
Buy a special magnet that can disable the center in your brain that makes you racist and xenophobic. Pretty sure they have them mass-installed at universities these days, so just try going to uni.
I can tell you, it's not satire, we would much rather let you kill each other in Africa and never contact you again.
You can only escape reality through a barrel of a gun. Tough luck kid. Grow some balls and learn how to deal with the hard truths of the word. Faggot.