Does Europe have a moral obligation to take in illegal migrants that come from the North of Africa? Why are we seeing an increasing number of migrants coming to Europe in the last few years and what should we do about it? Accepting them into our countries would be a disaster, look at Sweden or Germany for example, multiculturalism have fucked the social stability of the largest cities. How do we solve the problem of migrats Zig Forums?
Illegal Migrants
>does Europe have a moral obligation
>how do we solve
Easy, shoot them down in the med and leave them there
Put patrol boats in the med. Problem solved.
They don't do it because European elites actually want this immigration.
young white males in europe need to be radicalized to solve the problem
The greek way
No, just NO!
Kill them, and impale their brine-rotten corpses in serried ranks on a Tunisian beach,
by putitng patrol boats would not they have to take in the migrants into the boats and back to European shore ?
It would be really funny to just watch those fuckers drown
Stop supporting Israeli kikes then they start endless wars so they could bring migrates to Europe
Based and Ivan-the-impaler-pilled
push for more conquesta. the fuck you think youre just gonna build a wall or fight endlessly?
Europe needs an orange man
Europe needs another Hitler, not a jewish puppet
>pogroms and racials cleansings have been in Europe for ages
>he thinks some faggots in Brussels saying it's a no-no would stop it from happening again
The fire rises.
Release more orcas into the Mediterranean.
Immigration is the by product of capitalism, there will always be rich and poor and there will always be people trying to move to greener pastures, at the expense of people who are there already.
Just like turks in Germany, right?
Literally why do we fix a problem they made themselves
tbf also like the Syrians in Turkey, they're fucking shit up there hard
Thing about Turkey is it is a shithole enough that all of our migratns want to gtfo as fast as possible. So we have that going for us. No one wants to stay
these people are not europe's responsibility
does anyone have that under the sea webm kek
>Shoot em blabla
If you want a real, realistic answer:
The only way to effectively slow down migration is shifting the borders. Mahgreb as well as turkey needs to be strenghtened financally so they can effectively protect their outer borders. This comes with turkey making further demands concerning free travel/visa issues for their citizens in Europe, which is really nothing to aim for - bad situation. For the ones already in Europe: The only way to bring them back is voa the governments they came from - you need contracts with the states to take back denied asylum seekers - which seems really far away right now.
>Does Europe have a moral obligation to take in illegal migrants that come from the North of Africa?
No. Why would it?
>Why are we seeing an increasing number of migrants coming to Europe in the last few years and what should we do about it?
Deport anyone who arrives here illegally. It's that simple. And no, standard refugees are not illegal, provided they follow the law related to refugees (i.e. going to the closest safe haven, not shopping around for the best benefits/economic prospects; the entire point of refugee law is to ensure the safety of human beings, not to guarantee them the greatest potential possible for a 'good life'). No one has a right to come to Europe and live here apart from our citizens.
>How do we solve the problem of migrants Zig Forums?
Adopt a policy that every single person arriving illegally via a boat or land will be immediately deported back to their country of origin. Every single one, no exceptions. If this is the case, you will rapidly find that human smuggling and the crime associated with human smugglers will be curbed because it would almost entirely remove the incentive to cross into Europe. The drownings could be avoided as well for the same reason.
This soft-touch approach we currently have is retarded. Every time Merkel et al suspend the law or otherwise grant some migrants the right to stay in Europe, where those migrants crossed illegally into Europe via sea or land, all it does is encourage a black-market for human beings. It creates a pull factor. The drownings, insofar as people should care about the drownings, are on her and people like her.
based orcas
I’m Australian and we put illegals on an island for processing. Once it was made clear that boats entering Australian waters would never see the mainland the boats stopped coming, what a fucking surprise!
Now we do take x amount of refugees a year and they are overwhelmingly families not “16 year olds” with beards. They also undergo a fair bit of scrutineering. Those left in processing are criminals escaping some heinous crime they committed in their home country. Australia pays counties like Cambodia and Fiji to take the ones we don’t want so imagine what crimes they have committed if the government won’t deport them. Australia won’t repatriate people who face the death penalty and we certainly don’t let them in due to poor character. I assume this is pretty expensive and Australia is an island, unlike Europe, so it’s easier to police. But I would argue it’s far more expensive to let these people in. Denmark pays refugees about €20k to fuck off as it cost more than that in 6 months to house and feed them.
Result of right wing politics. Look at special needs bush obama sarkozy and whatever english PM. HMMMM WHY DO THESE PEOPLE KEEP ON COMING TO OUR COUNTRY????
Maybe cause we reduced their shitholes to ashes. Just like americans with mexico. Mexico has been begging america for 50 years to stop funding their cartels. Yet america continue to fund the cartels and wonder why people leave Mexico. hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
They don't belong in Europe.
Just let them drown, it's the morally right choice.
I can not empathize with a muslim. I do not consider them human, nor do i consider them something worthy of saving. If there was 100 drowning muslims and one puppy, and I could only save either - i would choose the puppy every time.
Simply - I don't give a shit about muslims and muslim countries, we should endeavor to contain the cancer to the regions which is already infested, rather than bring the curse of the muslims to Europe.
Bring in the navy and ram them if they cross into territorial waters. They either turn around or drown. If NGO's pick them up then threaten to sink the ships if they enter territorial waters. One or two might have to go down until they learn and that is a price worth paying to save Europe.
Remember, we didn't bring this on, they did ; we are just defending ourselves. Like the man who kills someone to protect his property, it is on the thief, not the killer.
sink the ships "rescuing" them
Based. But it is too late for Britain.
Never in my life have i seen more shitskins than when i visited london two years ago. I also visited 20 years ago, and it wasn't nearly as bad, but now - it's over.
Sweden and England truly shows the world the horrors of unrestricted immigration.
I want to Nigel but mama Merkel and their NGOs say i am raycis.
I should also add that if you commit a violent crime that results in a custodial sentence longer than 1 year you fucked right off out of the country when your sentence is done with. That goes for every single non-citizen and possibly dual citizens.
Do other counties do this?
I kind of feel bad for the kiwi dick heads who have spent their entire life in Aus then get deported but then I remember Jacinta crying about all the homeless criminals we send back and I feel better.
>Does Europe have a moral obligation to take in illegal migrants
First: Nice digits.
Second: No.
Typical self-flagellation. The overwhelming majority of migrants come from countries which have not been obliterated by westerners.