How long before globohomo shuts him down?

How long before globohomo shuts him down?

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most dead swedes since 1945, "national hero" my ass

Look at the excess deaths. It's over.

Why was pozzed Sweden immune from lock down etc? Some sort of experiment?

Why dont the media talk about Swedens Corona anymore?

They knew the sandniggers and niggers would never agree to it, so they didn’t enforce anything in order to save face.

Almost on par with the regular flu season 1997.
Sweden had record low mortality rate last year, so these geezers are dying now

Covid is over in Sweden despite no one caring
Completed and done with

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The first right choice Sweden have made in the last 80 years

Their economy is walking on the bloody stumps of their knees due to immigration gibs. They couldn't afford it.

How's the cope going?

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>Sweden the least cucked country in The Rona Age

I don't know with 2020 anymore....

>saved sweden from coronavirus
literally from what? their economy still crashed because every other nation had a shutdown and sweden was heavily affected by it


>not mandating a global lockdown from november 2020 to may 2021

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The damage is less than in other countries.
Meanwhile countries like the UK and The Netherlands are gearing up for lockdown 2 because they're pants on head retarded.
Sweden made a great choice.

cope more, retard

maybe cause nobody is going to sweden and taking the virus with them?
or because sweden fortifies their foods with vitamin D
or because swedes are naturally socially distant
or because all the old swedes died in wave 1
or they achieved herd immunity

call it dumb luck
their strategy to deal with every threat is to carry on and pretend it doesn't exist, like the migrant rapists
this is not a model to follow in the next pandemic, what if the next one is bird flu or airborne ebola?

>believing muh pandemic
Like clockwork

They don't even mention Sweden anymore as far as I know.

Who knew viruses don't just magically go away after a while?

>Kills off more people than necessary just to save some shekels
>national hero

The jews here are still trying to lock us down to be sure to finish our economy for good. Destroyers of nations.

France is hilarious. Very trick lockdown and still terrible numbers.
The word kill doesn't mean what you think it means.

>+5000 deaths in Sweden
>+200 deaths in Norway

He sacrificed the elderly population of Sweden.

>most dead swedes since 1945, "national hero" my ass

why mention 1945? Sweden wasn't even a combatant in WW2. have there been any other disasters or pandemics in Sweden to compare it to?

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>because swedes are naturally socially distant
Reminded me of pic related from years ago kek

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But you're LOCKED DOWN

We on the other hand haven't closed anything

I have e.g. not missed a single day of gains since this spoof all began

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breathe the corona jew goyim>their strategy to deal with every threat is to carry on and pretend it doesn't exist, like the migrant rapists

Unlike other countries, Sweden does not have incentive for hospitals to lie about Covid deaths and writing up the statistics.

Sweden truly is like Wakanda.

Now we have mandatory masks in the street, it's crazy, full mass hysteria and doomsday cult.

> people still die to COVID everyday
> immigrants burn cars and throw grenades weekly

It is amazing how Sweden has evolved and this IS the new normal.

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Wearing a mask is rejecting your humanity

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It's not as bad as you think it is. Most people are still working like normal or from home, and government is supporting struggling businesses. The ones struggling the most are bars, hotels and restaurants, but the country will do fine without them

>do nothing
>national hero

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>not infringing on everyone right
>not ruining your business
>not cutting you off from your family
>not forcing you wear a cloth on your mouth

>when almost the entire world is doing so.

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based

Wait until the end of the year to see how many people died. Quite sure Norway just delay its oldfuck population death. Nobody dies from covid, it's just a opportunistic infection, they dies from cancer, serious heart related disease and medical malpractice due to panic. Saying that those people died from covid is saying that no one ever died from AIDS.

>log on to Betfair
>load up the fifth at Doncaster to do some trading

per-capita, swedens covid deathrate is worse than America right now
and thats even with Americans considering things like gunshot wounds to be Covid-related deaths simply because the person was coughed on before dying

they're probably calling it a great success because its killing off old, white, racist swedes who refuse to sell their 1-bed stockholm flats to M'bongo and his 14 wives

There has been almost no excess mortality among ethnically swedish people.

Why? God-blood.

thats a finnish bus stop you spacker

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>Oy veey, de goyeem nu. Shot eet don.

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