It's astonishing how this man predicted everything that is happening in 2020. His speeches from 20 years ago are like he told them yesterday. May he rest in peace, if only there were more people like him.
"What is a Patriot to do" he predicts the left using blacks to cancel Washington and rename every institution. He is really shaping up to be a very accurate prophet.
Angel Scott
It kills me as the newfag cuckservatives dont even know his name. We need to do campaigns to redpill them
not a trump supporter, not a conservative. your strawman is gay.and your hero is a limpwristed author who wrote story books with a 5th grade comprehension. he never contributed to the "white race" in any real meaningful way.
Carson Roberts
>posted before not every day. fuckface you also live in a bubble of false reality. try going outside someday.
Carson Ortiz
>cant into quote yes, im the new guy
Asher Hughes
You're not grappling with any of his arguments. Just mad you're in a thread you don't like. Go find your bbc spam
Alexander Johnson
>his arguments words are gay. he never spilt niggerblood in defense of his people
Tyler Hall
You are one of the seething feds that could never get dirt on him lmao
Joseph Moore
now im a fed? no sir, he was most likely though. when feds want to take you down, and cant get the dirt, they have one of their plants do the wet work. sorry for talking shit. ill stop siderailing and let you guys discuss what you want.
Hint: The Nazis lost. Kill yourself. No one will miss you.
Nolan Long
Guy was literally a rocket scientist and physics professor who left his profession to work for the white race. Literally one of the greatest men in American history, but largely unknown. During the end of the 90's he was quite prominent though, enough for Jew media to try to take him down several times with "documentaries".
Jose Wilson
He tapped into the internet early with good success. Unfortunately he was taken too early in 2002. Dilate