Tim Pool

How many pounds of marijuana has he inhaled in his life?

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Enough for his hair to fall out

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You misspelled “Adderall.”

little timmy pool
dropped out of school
smoked the pot
hair is rot
likes to eat his stool

Does anyone else feel like Tim Pool is probably a massive coomer? Like when I look at him I just see someone who looks addicted to porn and probably faps 5+ times a day.

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Pool is a nerd. He's probably a straight edge cringe.

You’re a projecting little faggot boy thinking about other men jerking off.

oh he smokes a lot of pot
i can tell because i do too
its pretty easy to identify



tim pool is drool kid, get with the times.

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How am I being faggot you fucking retard.
Just look at Tim and tell me he doesn't look like the stereotypical coomer.
He obviously spends all his time fapping and smoking weed when he isn't doing gay shit for his youtube channel.

Little Timmy O'Pool.
Was to smart so he dropped out of school.
He put on a beanie and whipped out his weenie and thought "Lets check the news!"
Well Timmy O'Pool was starting to coom when his mom entered the room.
Saw Timmy there, she could only stare as Timmy said "I don't care, still voting trump"

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Dim Tool, the Vaush of the Right.

They can't all be controlled opposition working for the a hostile foreign state as propagandists spreading divisive rhetoric among our countrymen in order to destroy us from the the inside.

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I'm leaning this way.

There is a certain twinkle in the eye of pot smokers compared to the cold eyes of a straight edge.
It's like a magic eye thing, its really easy to spot once you see it.


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its because weed comes from Sirius B to bring humanity into each new epoch (age of aquarius, etc)

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Nah, that guy was right. You are definitely a projecting little faggot.

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Take a look a look this story, this is crazy, but hey man that's just my opinion I'm not going to tell you what to think but you're not going to be able to convince me, LOOK MAN! I don't know what else to say... this is just... It's literally... I'm like half kidding but you get the idea. Now to be fair I'm not sure of the exact source of this, looks like it could be either way so you can make your own opinion on this.
Don't forget to like and subscribe and if you think what I do here is important then please share this video, youtube is actively censoring content like this so the only way people can find it is through you sharing it. You can also support this channel through donations. I accept Paypal, bitcoin, and I have a physical p.o. box you can send donations to. I'll talk to you guys later this afternoon in my upcoming segment.

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Tim is Army Stronk.

Nixon was right.

Cannabis and Mental Health

>The evidence in relation to depression is growing. A 15 year follow up of an adult community sample of 1920 participants in the United States showed that use of cannabis increased the risk of major depression at follow up fourfold.Use of cannabis was specifically associated with an increase in suicidal ideation and anhedonia. Similar findings in an Australian study reported in this issue (p1195) show a dose-effect relation between the use of cannabis and anxiety or depression in a large cohort of 14-15 year olds followed for seven years.

What has research over the past two decades revealed about the adverse health effects of recreational cannabis use?

>Research in the past 20 years has shown that driving while cannabis-impaired approximately doubles car crash risk and that around one in 10 regular cannabis users develop dependence. Regular cannabis use in adolescence approximately doubles the risks of early school-leaving and of cognitive impairment and psychoses in adulthood. Regular cannabis use in adolescence is also associated strongly with the use of other illicit drugs.

Implications of prescription drug monitoring and medical cannabis legislation on opioid overdose mortality

>Medical cannabis laws were associated with an increase of 21.7 percent in mean age-adjusted opioid-related mortality (p < 0.0001).

Cannabis use and psychosis: a longitudinal population-based study

>The effect of baseline cannabis use was stronger than the effect at 1-year and 3-year follow-up, and more than 50% of the psychosis diagnoses could be attributed to cannabis use.

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What is under the beany? Did anyone care who he was before he put the beany on.

he makes a lot of content, for you

He rages about identitarian authoritarianism, but cannot stop proclaiming himself a leftist. If you listen closely, he tries so hard to be PC.

In reality, his values of "free shit" and unregulated hedonism of course demanded he be a Sanders fan. He still believes all virtue flows from the Left. As an atheist, he will never know objective truth and reality.

Just another leftist with nothing besides sloganeering, no spirituality and a lot of bong resin in his brain.

Tim Pool is a faggot, too, but just not as much of a one as you and the other zoomer I was replying to.

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I don't think he smokes too much pot. Marijuana melts your brain and turns you into a feebleminded bumbling retard.

I bet he takes some synthetic shit, though.

I'm not a zoomer.
I knew Tim's boss, because Tim is a fag in kneepads.

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The Zig Forums National Socialist server link is:
We will interview James Mason next week.,,,

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Have a (You) but don't get too cocky.