The shilling of Trump on Zig Forums is beyond cringe

The meme magic of getting Trump elected was only because people back in 2016 actually believed there was a chance he would be a Fascist.
For the last 4 years he has done nothing but release Jews from prison, give golem heights to Israel, expand aid to Israel, and other zionist bullshit.

He hasnt even built the wall or done any of his other 'white nativist' policies.

There is literally no reason to vote for him again. Thats why I am voting for Biden.

Traitors (Trump) go before enemies (Biden)

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Other urls found in this thread:


Still voting for a Jew york business kike who voted democrat his whole life

Cope OP

Trump and Biden are both Zionists.
Burgers have been Jew'd again.
>thinking voting works.

>President Trumpstein's daily cabinet meetings

You would think Zig Forums of all places wouldnt have these retarded cock suckers shilling a zionist.
Some of these low iq brainlets actually believe he is a Hitler in waiting

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But but but its the democratsssss
People actually saying this as an argument deserve summary execution. Fucking makes me sick that anyone participates in this corrupt system at all. We shouldn't be voting. We should be watering the tree of liberty. The left and right are literally the same thing, democrats and republicans are fucking the same thing. Anyone who votes automatically loses my respect for not being able to see through the obvious facade that is current day democracy. Our founding fathers would kill 99% of politicians if they were resurrected I can guarantee that much. The populace is so fucking stupid though its unsalvageable. Make your peace with god. Collapse is coming HARD.

Mmmm yeah

Still voting for Trump

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This post best post.

I think the fags saying to vote for Trump are actually just baiting for yous at this point.

Like this fag

nah there is a large number of young republican retards in America and many infest 4shit

And what's the alternative?
Vote for Biden and have my city burned?

cope, the unending flow of SJW tears is worth it

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You're obviously a child or a leftist, either way you don't understand how shit works... Anyone who would take you serious is also a retard.

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I am more concerned with the nigger plague infesting my country than the politics of Israel, you stupid faggot.

LOL. Your city is being burned UNDER TRUMP. Biden hasnt even proven that he would have let that happen, Trump has.

Biden voted for segregation, if anything there is a higher chance of him being a crypto fascist than fucking zognald.

It doesn't matter if its bait. I know so many fucking die hard trump folks and a lot of hard leaning left people. The problem is they are all fucking morons and keep participating in a fundamentally broken system. There is literally no difference between either party, it is all bought and paid for by a few rich family's who control all the banking. The sad part is 1) no one cares and 2) no one can accept it because the idea of inevitable collapse is too scary. We are going to see major economic collapse and that's just the starting point. When there's no groceries in the stores, no working grids, its going to be fucking mad max tier niggery. All I know is I am moving central and learning to grow my own food. Fuck this shit, this country is getting everything it deserves. We as a people have failed ourselves and our leaders have taken advantage just like their insidious nature allows them to. Fuck it all m80's , get guns, ammo, grow your own food, get right with god. Our little happening is going to suck.

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Look at what happened to Omar. You are not allowed to have an anti Israel position. Not in the senate, not in the house and certainly not in the presidency. Both sides tore her apart for daring speak in critisicm of Israel. Even if Adolf Hitler himself were in office he would keep it down to avoid making waves. The whole MIGA thing is a good meme but it's just par for the course in office.

Who should I vote for? I shit on my bitch out of frustration with this very topic.

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OP is a foreskin chewing faggot.
If anyone can out jew the jews I trust Trump since he's been dealing with them his entire adult life.
protip - despite voting for democraps all my life, the demonrats of 2016 are even more evil now than they were then.

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"Guys I'm going to go raid pol again. Stop dilating and jerking off to furry porn and back me up!

"It's not too late! The resistance can still make a difference!"

hahaha america is going full nationalist and you couldn't stop it

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The Zig Forums National Socialist server link is:
We will interview James Mason next week. join-&

All cities that are being destroyed are all Democrat held States, Shill.
Vote for Trump 2020, we'll sort things out after!

Trump got to meet ZZ Top? So jealous.

Ill take some Jewish shit instead of all of America burning to Communist.

What makes you so sure it will collapse though? If anything since USA is the prime Jewish cattle, they would steal from every country on earth to fund its continued existence, even imperialism.

I dont think its going to collapse, thats the sad part.

The alternative is multi stepped. First stop voting. Second realize your/my current leaders have shifted to the point of complete and utter corruptness. Third is watering the tree. And fourth is rebuilding a just nation. None of this will happen though. Things will continue to devolve into a state of pure fucking ignorance and greed until inevitable collapse hits. Then I hope you know how to survive friend.

Trump is out jewing the jews. He has a team of super Jews who know how to jew harder than normie jews. Steve Mnuchin? His jew power level is beyond comprehension. Barr? That guy was born with a gas chamber in his mouth.

You are a noob

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I love seeing lefties seething more than anything else, I hope trump gets reelected

wow I'm so demoralized hahaha I feel like rbg died again lmao gonna go cry in my car and post it bro hahaha

An economy based on debt has to collapse. Its inevitable. It can be structured and supported through the moves the FED makes, sure. But its not sustainable. The advent of AI mixed with money backed by nothing but printing power and pure greed will lead to total fuckery economically speaking. Just watch man. Trust me I want to be wrong so fucking bad.

Ok, so what if orangeman is kiked to all fuck. And Biden is worse. Isn't it about not just them, but the people they place in positions of power? I'm sure Trump would be better suited to redistributing power to nationalists, rather than Biden who will probably just drop coloured folk in every hotseat for lefty cred... Then do the exact same shit. Maybe I'm wrong.

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Fuck demoralization brother. Not my goal. This is the state of things. We have to deal with it or at least prepare for worst case scenarios.

yes goy vote biden

>My race is being replaced, my economy is being further intregrated into zog, the Jews are becoming more and more powerful.

>At least I made some irrelevant reddit nobodies 'seethe'

t. you

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The neocons really have messed with your brain



This pron jew knows what he's talking about.

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Demo shill, the only thing you're ever going to grow is a black dick up your ass for hormone treatment money.

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I know its hard to accept that our entire system is so fundamentally corrupt that we can't save it in its current state. Many people like you exist. Keep voting faggot. Surely things will change.

You can actually vote while solving the problem in real life.
Why is it so hard for Retards like you to understand that?

OP quit being a faggot, Trump has also:
>wished more immigrants come legally
>made reducing black unemployment a priority
>placed key neo-cons in key positions
>been totally silent on the constant attacks of his supporters
>failed to instruct law enforcement / DOJ to break up anti-fa political terror and agitation gangs
>done nothing about Soros and foreign intrusion in our politics
>stood by as his corona virus task force misled, deceived, and hyped the corona virus
>allowed the government to shut down small business but keep big business open
>walked back saying corona wasn't a threat when it isn't a threat
>became the wall that divides Americans into camps that are both controlled by the same ziocons

He's on track to be one of our best servants of Israel

He shitcanned TPP
He renegotiated NAFTA
Has kept us out of wars
Imposed tariffs on China
Economy on fire, before COVID
H1-B visa denials up from 6%to30%
Increased ICE and Border Guards

Why is it so hard for you to understand that no matter who you vote for , you will continually see zero change? Keep casting those ballots you moron. I could care less man, keep voting. People like you deserve everything coming to them. This system is rotted to its core, the only thing that is going to fix it is is mass gallows and restructuring it from ground up. But keep voting faggot, surely it will make a difference this time.

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Don't forget do nothing about the censoring of right wingers on social media even though he said he was monitoring the situation closely.


High IQ post

>Our little happening is going to be glorious.

i, for one, cannot wait to exercise my sworn duty to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

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Always forget that, thanks

They sure like their funny hats.

>don’t vote for who you want
>vote for who I want
>implying Biden is an actual option