A historic moment: Romania officially enters the emerging markets league on Monday

Come and invest in Romania

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never forget pitesti:

a romanian lady is doing a film about it - supposed to be released in dec

Please don't. Invest in your own countries. Stop giving gibs to other nations, if you continue funding us, the gypsies will leave for your countries.
What you can do is this, support India into taking gypsies back.
I urge every Pakistani and Indian from Britain to write messages to the Indian consulate in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary and to the elected officials of India in order to take them back.

you fucking racists prick

im gonna invest my fucking bombs into romania

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Reddit faggot, this is Zig Forums.
I hate gypsies more than niggers.

I'll come visit. Romania seems like a beautiful country, but at the same time, I don't want to get scammed by the Romani.

Generally though, I have a lot of respect for Romanians, you guys seem pretty cool.

yoi probably shit in the back of your garden
you too

I had a toilet before you had your circumcision


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Glad you hear that, you should visit Bucharest if you are the city type, or Transilvania if you like it quieter

or his own country, to spend money for his people.
Subservient gypsies like you is why we're garbage.

Why do you want him to visit transylvania? Isn't that where the "evil Hungarians" live? Or is the only nice place in your country accidentally the one predominantly populated by Hungarians?

daily reminder riggers are just LARPERS who came from south west balkans from albania and greece(theyre fucking illiryian/gothic/hunic/turkic shepherds lmao) and have nothing to do with dacians or romans,theyre just faggots

because that's what fuckers from the South think of Romania
>Come to Bucharest if you like nightlife and whores
>Go to Transylvania, it's beautiful
These cunts don't deserve Transylvania, it's so fucking comfy and all they say to tourists is Dracula and "muh Castles".
Also, if you ask any young person from the South about Transylvania, they think we're fighting some Ugandan war here.
They absolutely fucked Cluj into becoming a homo fest and the tourists have fucked every city with their presence.
The only good thing about Transylvania at this point is Apusen mountainsi and they'll also fuck it up.

And lastly, American tourists, along with the British are the fucking worst. The first category is loud and obnoxious and the 2nd is extremely dumb when drunk.You cunts don't have any preservation instinct when you drink.

Also, most people know that single men coming here are sexual tourists or pedos (Netherlands and Belgium men).

the emerging scam market

why do you lie? Romania is a melting pot of cultures and we are proud of it, its our strenght

>Romania is a melting pot of cultures and we are proud of it, its our strenght
fucking go back

Everyone hates gypsies. No one hates Hungarians. We're not proud, we get along.We stay segregated.

>These cunts don't deserve Transylvania, it's so fucking comfy and all they say to tourists is Dracula and "muh Castles".
Transilvania has the most developed tourism sector
>They absolutely fucked Cluj into becoming a homo fest and the tourists have fucked every city with their presence.
so Cluj become more tolerant, thank you for your kind words, the rest of the country will follow
>And lastly, American tourists, along with the British are the fucking worst. The first category is loud and obnoxious and the 2nd is extremely dumb when drunk.You cunts don't have any preservation instinct when you drink.
we should be happy that they come here putting us on the tourist map

Fuck off, you don't even live here you USR homo.
>Most tourists
Because none of this shit was built by you.
>We should be happy
You're such a low IQ nigger that you don't understand the costs of having tourists, even when we talk crime, or trash, or the mafia it creates.
You're just some illiterate Nicusor Dan voter who sucks gypsy dick and thinks that progress is socialism.
I wish you'd have lived 30 years in the past, so you could build the Danube-Black sea canal

you sound irrational, who hurt you?

gypsies, go back. To Reddit and India. Your choice

even if I were gypsy my place is here in Romania and Europe, and there is nothing that you can do about it, only express impotent rage on the internet

we can kill you. like for real, I would gladly smash your face.

>you can't do anything
No, I won't do anything. But I wrote around 10,000 messages to the Indian consulates in Europe, all in the name of various gypsies, all in the span of 3 years, urging them to take you all back, because the governments are oppressive and they lack rights. Even saying things such as "We'll convert".
It starts with words gypsy user, and you lack the intellect to actually understand that he, who controls the narrative, controls the outcome.
And in regards to tolerance, you're 70 IQ.

woah internet tough guy, if you publicly express you views you will never find a job again

Imagine these bickering gyppos consider themselves the descendants of TRVE ROMAN IMPERIVM.

I hope foreigners buy everything in Romania and then bring their own people here to destroy ethnic romanians.

I'll express my fist on your face until you stop breathing.

>But I wrote around 10,000 messages
harassing them with a mad mans ramblings will not solve anything, gypsies are part of Romania and Europe

pride parades and niggers will soon follow, romania

just a friendly warning

Me? No user, not me but Mercedesa Popescu and Ionica Tiganu are the people harassing them, among others, Giuvaieru Telegraf is my favorite.