Did she get Covid?

She was just officiating a wedding w/out a mask. Why are the left not mentioning this?

Attached: mask.png (805x451, 790.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

andrewkaufmanmd.com/vids/Full interview on London Real.mp4

She wasn't at the wedding. That was a fucking hologram.

They're already calling the couple murderers so they're getting blamed regardless

To die of any other cause then 'Jew flu' is illegal.

andrewkaufmanmd.com/vids/Full interview on London Real.mp4

Attached: Dr.Andrew.Kaufman.png (800x449, 326.97K)

She died before covid was a thing...this is clearly a photoshop.

She died in 2018

No her life support chair finally failed.

Attached: RBG.jpg (259x194, 5.51K)

Correct. This wedding nonsense was done so they could pretend she was still alive. She hasn’t been into court at all this year, but she officiates some wedding? Malarkey!

She was 87 and dying from 5 types of cancer, so yes, it was covid.

Attached: BC8F6051-81A5-499D-9BFC-F1161A5BB928.jpg (1024x1008, 96.18K)

>badass womyn who is so passionate about her job that she refuses to step down
>misses court appearances, other people write her arguments for her
>somehow goes to a wedding to officiate for a literally who couple, that isn't even her family

Makes sense.

That word will be replaced with diagnosticians and word 'death' will be replaced with Covid .

How else to kill billion people ?

does anybody else remember a few weeks ago when an outlet misposted an article about RBG dying?

I wouldn't doubt that this photo was shopped and this wedding situation is staged,

IF she had died from covid they would be weaponizing the shit out of that narrative, so no, she didn't.

I believe she was really at the wedding because that picture looks extremely fake. If it were really faked the people faking it had the money to make it look much, much more realistic.

Cause it killed her

Surely something like a wedding would have more than this one photo. Many photos, in fact. I'm sure these photos will surface, and that this isn't all just one suspiciously framed, tightly focused image of two faceless individuals in a completely anonymous location.

Yeah, what did she die of anyway?

can't wait until they start putting these people into dreadnaughts


Did you watch the blue screen abomination from the DNC convention?
They may have the money, but for whatever reason they are spending it elsewhere.


kekimus maximus

Literally who is this old hag and why should I care that she died?

Attached: 1537774212693.png (483x470, 183.71K)

I believe you, but where did you see this?

Shut up fag, everybody knows that covids a hoax.

Because she is about to spark a mini civil war in our country

The fact we are left in the dark about how she died is proof it happened months ago.

Her vote is in the mail.

>t.HermanCain's Twitter

Her clerks and staffers went to George Floyd protests or to jail to bail out Antifa.

They gave her COVID-19 because they cavorted with niggers.

Attached: smokingman.jpg (474x317, 15.24K)

laughably bad shoop that some boomer thought was totally convincing

She tried to make pedophilia legal so now the left is having a meltdown

Attached: 1600550888924.jpg (2835x1617, 1.68M)


Her liberal Jewish family or her clerks went to BLM protests, probably bailed out Antifa.

Been flying around, traveling. They came back and gave her the coof. Dur.

Attached: antifa.jpg (1200x630, 175.16K)