You know what to do,
Bert Kreischer is mad this poll isn't going his way
246K is a fucking enormous sample size, and 70/30 is a fucking huge difference
Bert seems apolitical as fuck who got to him?
most of his fans came from listening to rogan's podcast. it's a sample of rogan fans who are going to lean right
It can be 100/0, vote "counters" is what matters.
It’s going to be 90% male podcast listeners - not really representative of the country as a whole. Ask any blue-haired bridge troll who this fat, giggling retard is and they won’t know
b-b-but what about the media's scientific...
bert kreischer has been pretty famous for a while but right before covid happened he was making his dive into hollywood. once things clear up again that will be his goal. that means say the correct "orange man bad" sentences ad nauseum to be an entertainment elite. he's also a fucking retard so he doesn't even know why he is going to say this stuff, he just sees that it's the path of least resistance
comedians and other social media types are obsessed with likes and views. polls jack those numbers up make them feel like they are popular
It's just trump bots sweetie
The good comedians want freedom of expression which would be the opposite of becoming left wing
Sample size matters only if the poll is done with proper methodology and is representative of the whole population , which is why online polls are crap swinging either way. You need to have , within those 200k doe example , enough urbanites and ruralites , people of all income brackets proportional to the total population , education factors and so on
His demographic is exclusively liberals. This fag is a prominent never trumper. Look at his profile, he’s reeeing that Trump supporters are retweeting it.
but they also want to be famous so they'll fuck everyone else over once they get enough notoriety. they;ll then flip sides and throw everyone under the bus for wrongthink as long as they get a netflix deal or tv show
>good comedian
That's the thing, hes mediocre at best. The pull of bert is his "friends" goading him into saying and admitting to ever increasingly humiliating acts/habits/etc while laughing both with and at him. He's obsessed with breaking into the hollywood a list crowd and will do literally anything for a shred more clout. So the user saying hes doing whatever the hollyjew wants to fit in seems likely
.t someone who probably watches too many 2bears and bill bert podcasts
I watched one of his netflix specials a while back and he's not funny. I'm pretty sure he sucks dick on the side.
holy shit those comments. I get that he's a fucking cuck, but to pander so hard to those smug/cunty comments from upset liberals is pathetic
comedians would be the first ones to shut down comment sections if it were to them. they lie and are obsessed with fame
listen to Redbar Radio. he's the last funny podcaster/radio host. exposing comedian's lies all day every day
Yeah he sucked will Smiths dick, no joke
I voted on this yesterday, someone retweeted it, I'd sworn off following the rogan squad, I thought it was honest, nice to see tryhard bert have a mental breakdown
Its funny how trump is +40 ×[th 250k votes but all the glorious polls have him -10 when 800 is a sample size. Polling is so idiotic
>blue-haired bridge troll
Blue-haired usually means an old lady, but why would they be a "bridge troll?"
>b-b-but what about the media's scientific...
Oh, this guy's fucking finished. If you were closing a deal with the entertainment business in early 2020, you're fucked.
>Oh, this guy's fucking finished. If you were closing a deal with the entertainment business in early 2020, you're fucked.
The entertainment business is going to be harmed for quite some time because of coronavirus. Making movies is a less profitable venture, movie theaters are dying, theme parks are dying, live comedy/music venues are dying, etc. I feel that, with all the leftists and fags in the industry, the entertainment sector's death is a welcome event.
In Minnesota Somali thugs click Biden for you.
It’s not a scientific poll.
But it does illustrate the point that turnout matters.
>It’s not a scientific poll.
>But it does illustrate the point that turnout matters.
I trust this poll more than the leftist BS polls the media makes up with them ALWAYS sampling liberal voters MUCH more than conservative voters.