Setting shills aside, Zig Forums and Zig Forums as a whole, is one of the most narrative pushing...

Setting shills aside, Zig Forums and Zig Forums as a whole, is one of the most narrative pushing, manipulative forums on the whole internet.

Do you guys really look at the threads that get posted here, and all of the opinions that get repeated like a script? The users here craft their own propaganda. And those with enough autism to spam their propaganda the most, decides whichever narratives prevail.

This site is in no way a place for free speech. It's a place where you throw your icecube of an opinion, into the mouth of the propaganda volcano. You don't truly have a voice here, because no one truly listens here. You're either mocked for everything that comes out of your mouth, or you succumb to the prevailing narrative, and assimilate.

Zig Forums is a fucking joke. I want out.

Attached: goopie6827690849560759557.webm (576x1024, 1.82M)

No one is forcing you to come here, faggot.

theres the door faggot fucking use it

you're just sad because your cuck opinions are meaningless when theres no echo chamber for you to circle jerk your faggy jewpinions

Attached: Suicidebooth.png (340x427, 185.17K)


Go home redditu pigu

This is some next level onions shit.

What the fuck is this

Cool dance, OP

Yeah that's the best part, if it's funny it works

Attached: cooldog.jpg (1080x1048, 105K)

>Help I'm trapped on a Tibetan throat singing forum. Fucking help.

Can you ever just tell someone a favor by their webm?

really really good webm masking a dumb nonpost


Pol can tongue my balls

Fact is that any post on the web is likely not to get a response at all. Like minded people have a tendency to gather in one place or another and, that is what happened here. The beauty of this site is there is no identifiers beyond the flag, and post ID, so you have to engage the words spoken and not the person who speaks them. Often the flag gets ire because, a group of say leafs acts in a certain mannor. I believe, I have to disagree on the free speech thing on the front you attacked.

As I imagine you've heard you are free to leave though.

hahaha you think you can leave? Go on faggot double nigger memeflag, leave. Try it.

Zig Forums is always right therefore the narrative which prevails on Zig Forums is always right

digits confirm, I still can't get over him thinking he can leave

>stopped reading
>worthless dishonest thread
>rosemary, parsley etc

was very afraid to click that webm... I guess I hang around in /gif/ too much

This tik tok fast movement thing makes me want to go outside and kill everyone I see.

how/why do they dance like this these days? looks retarded as shit. are the frames sped up or something? fucking cringe.

Attached: big yikes.gif (568x396, 1.34M)

Eh you can say things against the grain, just be prepared to stand up for it.

this made me guffaw

>You're either mocked for everything that comes out of your mouth, or you succumb to the prevailing narrative, and assimilate.
I've watched holocaust threads be posted and people argue that it actually happened as described. Those people were torn to shreds. Unlike other places, this was done directly and point by point. You've mistaken consensus for an echo chamber, as no dissent is drowned out here. They're merely challenged strongly.

In short, you don't belong here and have to go back.

Attached: 1600327639117s.jpg (115x125, 3.08K)

when can we finish them... enough is enough

Attached: laws of this land.jpg (1016x720, 267.39K)

Wow. Is that real?

Its a spark allright, it can light a individual into heaving a original thought, but to get to a original thought people have to hang themselfs and go off the far end in all kinds of ways, this place is crazy and operates in the outer limit of the human mind, to break thru the limit you have to be close to it first. A lot of people will lose their minds, but it only takes one person to make it thru and the whole timeline will shift, hitler was one guy, but there are many such cases.


Also, free speech never was for the weak to posses, every action has a counter action, even if its on a vibrational level, your words carry much power, and a power in nature will face a unending opposition, the weak will perish under it.

when is tiktok getting banned, and this fucking cunt beating by niggers?
