Politically relevant media

Have any of you dumb faggots actually watched family guy or american dad? I used to shittalk it because its on tv therefore it has to be bluepilled right? Well its actually pretty fucking funny and routinely calls out leftism
Its a great ally to have any you retards are just that, retards and shills

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Holy shit you are dumb

I am watching the seasons from 2016/2017 and its full of memes and is obviously slanted right.

People that deride it because of it success meaning it has to be bluepilled are in fact retards.

Yes this is politically relevant, fuck you.

Go fuck yourself loser. You're a leftist that doesnt want any sort of unification or support for conservative or anti left media and humor. You are a loser.

Another show where the dad is a complete idiot loser drunk. Think for a second before you post garbage to this site you fucking shill

Keep watching TV you fucking idiot. Nice meme flag you dumb fuck.

Go fuck yourself you atom waffen tier controlled opposition loser

Keep waiting on some faggot revolution for low value males like yourself, loser.

Just because it calls out leftism doesn't make it an ally. Why the fuck would you even think that. How old are you? Talk to some real people to get some in site.

>in site
dumb faggot

I don't need a fucking revolution you dumb fuck. I act and make decisions based on my beliefs and influence others to do the same. Wake the fuck up

Yeah family guy is the best of those cartoons with american dad a close second.
Simpson’s in trash.
SouthPark is meh.
Anything made by Netflix is absolutely aboherent.

Are you a bot? Why do you act like this?

Family guy is retarded trash. All the major late night cartoons of that era were bluepilled. South Park even more so than Family Guy, but also shows like the Simpsons and King of the Hill. The difference is those shows are funny and have value, while Family Guy is for smol brains.

>Wake the fuck up
Lmao some zoomer faggot telling me to wake up as if I didnt watch zietgiest a decade ago and havent been on Zig Forums since it was created. Fucking cry more you dumb shit, rejecting everything mainstream because you want a societal collapse puts you firmly in the retard category. You will never agree on 100% everything with people that can be allies, dumb fuck.

You are a fucking idiot if you think anything broadcasted on national media is fucking any good for anyone. Wake up


Are you a native english speaker? Kys

I love King of the Hill but its dead jim


(((((((((((((( ally )))))))))))))))

You're a hipster faggot, for real

Stop projecting you faggot.

t. TRS

You're clearly a native cock sucker

Sorry but those of us with jobs sometimes just want to sit down relax and watch something with bright colours and jokes that make us feel good and have a few laughs. We can’t all be reading one of the 4 titles from your approved book list every day.

Go fuck yourself loser. You're a fringe queer that will go nowhere in life, enjoy it.

This cunt gets it

Projecting again I see. Keep watching cartoons you dumbass.

Yeah I get you hate your life and use TV to cope. Have fun with that. Reading can be just as bad you dumb loser.

You're posting on a mongolian basketweaving masturbation imageboard you clown

Keep purity spiraling as if you have any power to dictate anything anyway lmao

Projecting again. Question you should ask yourself... How many hours of TV have you watched and what could you have done to better your community instead?

Yeah escaping into a cartoon show cause you hate work. Amazing idea.

>drawn together
come on now, if any show wasnt leftist it was drawn together. yeah a lot of it was just for shock value but i gotta love that sort of racism. like the episode where the asian dude gets his drivers license or where the black chick tries to find her dad.

I have always enjoyed the black sense of humour of family guy. Brian being a pretencious "writer" and always siding with the left while being a dog always made me laugh.
American dad is not bad, but never chased to look It,while family Guy i have watched all the seasons in castillian ( spanish from Spain)

Projecting. Friend if you realize that when you post, you are actually projecting your own insecurities, you'll save a ton in psychologist copays

You're a loser. You escape into text and imageboards circle jerking with newfags that want to purity spiral because nothing can reach your standards, which is hilarious because you are in fact a loser.
You're a brainlet to. I guarantee you have not achieved a tenth of what I have today. Keep seething over the mainstream like the hipster loser you are. lmao

You made a post stating how much you love family guy. Think about that for a second.

It gets a bad rap based exclusively on the fact its on tv. People arent even watching it, its obviously making fun of the left. The only people that are genuinely assmad at it are full blown 1488 retards that have no sense of self awareness, ie newfags. lol

And you have made 15 posts out of a thread of 38 posts about how you're a hipster loser that loves purity spiralling. lmao you dumb cunt.

A tenth? Try me. Let's hear what you've made up to be your untouchable family guy loving life and career.

You are the other 15 you dumb cunt.

I've been saying this for years. Family guy is based and I honestly think Seth is secretly redpilled (he has redpilled friends and has actually had them on his show such as James Woods and Rush Limbaugh) but he doesn't want to reveal himself because it'll blight his career.

>Please help me doxx you
Go fuck yourself loser. All you have accomplished today is probably making a dinner for your husband, you sound like a woman.

In my own thread, loser. Lmao

This exactly
Only retards and leftists are trying to get it hated here because they dont want any sort of unification or right wing media that is successful. Probably the murdoch murdoch losers shit all over it too because of jealousy.

Yeah It makes fun of everything, that's why i like It. When the father or Quagmyre change his sex and is invited to dinner to Peter's house, they try to avoid talking about It but Peter can't help but making "her" unconfourtable, was fun as hell. It's probably the only cartoon that makes me really laugh out loud

Time for me to work out. Fun talking with you buddy. Family Guy is a waste of your time. You know it, I know it.

Some American Dad episodes I enjoy (just for Roger - he should have his own show - that's the alien right?). The episode I last watched he said - "I bounced a check for this girls abortion and they had to put the baby back in. That baby turned out to be Shia Lebouf." Made me laugh.

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Its nice to have things that actually make fun of the leftist sacred cows, yes.

You're a loser.

yeah there are some genuinely funny moments that revolve around the alien