QAnon and Pizzagate are really messing with my head. Is everyone a pedophile?

QAnon and Pizzagate are really messing with my head. Is everyone a pedophile?

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Just the people in politics and on tv.

A lot of Hollywood and Political elites are involved in the Occult.

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Qanon was started to poison the pizzagate well
Pizzagate is real
Qanon is a psyop
Defuse, discredit, diffuse

Look up
Q foundation for kids
Order of Q

>muh everything is a conspiracy with pedos everywhere
Debunked nonsense. You must be a gullible retard to believe in this.

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falling stars?

What creation tales,
and origin-story disasters could all this be about?

Most of those famous people you like are.

Hey can we start including the detailed 'P' on the cap in these photos?
A lot of people skim over or don't notice that bottle cap.

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Mostly yes. Hollywood, politicians, the filthy rich. It's a giant cult of depravity. No rules apply but the golden rule of protection of the cult. But if you're in the cult you pretty much have the agency to do whatever you want without repercussions so long as you don't go out of your way to endanger the cult. Most people would join said cult if given the option. Considering the only other option is slavery at the hands of said cult. What would you do with your life OP if you were apart of the circle, and the only law in your life was to protect those within the circle, and if you do your part you could do anything in life you've ever wanted?

Wow a moon and stars. Such obscure symbols. You practically never see them.

What was the average age of first birth for the last million years?
What was it in the last 500 years?
100 years?

Split the criminal definitions between:
>anyone who has sex with someone who's pre-pubescent
>any sex predator, regardless of the age of the victim
>people who do both
We then get a sensible sentencing structure that's victim focused rather than offender focused.
If there is no victim, there is no crime- we should be punishing people based on how much damage they do, not on how much we are offended.
It's not less or more strict, it's consistent.

The reason pedophiles in the entertainment industry act with impunity is because exploitation of all ages takes place with impunity.
The reason hunting pedophiles becomes a which hunt is because were are enforcing an arbitrary standard while also taking a very selective view of where we look for offenders

It's a matter of HOW we catch these people

Snopes and Wikipedia.. May I suggest you go down to your local fitness store and purchase a pair of ankles weights. Bring down to the harbour and hop on a boat, kindly put on the ankle weights and go for a deepwater dip.

In the last 500 years in the West age of first child was around 27, albeit lower in the 19th century

No but many are hermeticists/theosophists. It's not satanism but if you look at it hard enough and squint you can call it that, and it becomes arguable.
You can also call it "Jewish Satanism", but in reality Kabbalah, Sufism, Rosicrucianism are neither the most ancient nor the most fundamental versions of this school of thought.

You DO start seeing it everywhere once you learn about it, because it's like olive oil: relatively tasteless and acceptable in almost any recipe.

There IS political and philosophical substance, but most of it is fanfare and cosplaying. Freemasons love it too.

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Endless Goose-chase
Red Herring

maybe but Baphomet is actually the embodiment of the two opposites, a Tranny in other words, with demon/angel male/female parts. They also say Baphomet is the Gnostic Sophia, virgin Mary better known as Lilith, worshiped by the freemasons in the higher ranks

why are you so willingly retarded? I didn't think there could ever be someone who wants to be as fucking flat out dumb as you.
please kill yourself. you goddamned waste of space. you will never amount to anything in your life. especially not with the payment of $0.25/post.

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pizzagate is real
Qanon is zionist disinfo

Just confirmation bias.
>Is everyone a pedophile?
No. But high net worth individuals seem more likely to be one because they are also less likely to get caught. It is my belief that if the general public could also have this same security the elite have, a large percentage would be pedophiles.

The little golems all over Epsteins island had the same symbol

Midwit detected

t. pedophile poorfag

redpill me on difference between hermeticism and kabbalah?

Turn back before it's too late

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people who vote Trump aren't

That would be incorrect
They kept records at the time, we have DNA and an abundance of anatomical information from skeletons.

They kept records and those prove me right.
In most of the West children had to wait for parents to retire to start their own families.
Why are you talking about things you know so little about?

Fippy bippy, op can suck my dicky quickly


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Case closed, nothing to see here goyim, move along.

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