"It's Okay To Be White" Poster Campaign October 31

The participation rules are simple.
1. Use the original poster design without changing it (high res )
2. Do not vandalize property or do anything illegal while putting them up (public bulletin boards are great for this)
3. Optionally wear a Halloween mask to protect your identity from media smears (if applicable in your country; North Americans like doing this and it's the reason for the poster date being Oct 31st since everybody is in costumes so you can wear one too without arousing suspicion).

It's really important that you don't modify the poster. Let the statement speak for itself, don't taint it by putting any group logos or website links on it.

note saw the stormfag's bring this up decided to post here bringing it up also dos any user have the new IOKTBW version with the wholesome illustration's those could work as well though i am hesitant to dilute the idea would like other's opinion on that

Attached: c39bb07fd1435a45.jpg (905x1280, 36.27K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s okay to be white high rez poster

i have no words

your link is dead user, but I am on board, get me a working link for a high rez version and I will post a bunch at night from now until then, I like to take walks at 3am so no risk

the fuck...

>dos any user have the new IOKTBW version with the wholesome illustration's
fuck that don't change it

honestly this phrase is over-defensive

Almost Halloween, where has the year gone?


Consistency is key, if there are many variations up the movement will look fragmented and it is more likely to be traceable back to you. Furthermore if we appear united, and widespread, the movement cannot be ignored.

anyone know where to get the high rez version?

Where have all the years gone user? We have been sitting in out armchairs while they pass us by, it's time to get the fuck up for a change and do something.

Bump's okay to be white high rez poster

Attached: B2CFAE49-C5F2-4C15-A011-78ECA9AF7E2D.jpg (3024x3960, 3.05M)

Why is it ok to be white?

let's do this boy's make this a year to remember

Attached: download (1).jpg (1024x772, 190.86K)

The same reason it's okay to be any other skin colour other than black, black because they lack the 2% neanderthal DNA that makes all humans, human. In fact, chimps have the same amount of DNA difference that blacks do when compared to humans. The more you know!


we got a discord or something for real time planning before the mods wake up and trash this shit? Something that is Linux/Android based and encrypted would be ideal, pigin?

you have any idea's?

make a discord or a pigin server fellow canadian user, let's make an impact together, I am currently loading paper into my paper and thus typing with gloves on so mind my typing errors

this should do it user

Attached: 1*nCXmcc5AnESOj6ADyGhlIg.png (700x989, 27.77K)

how about a telegram group? we really need to group together in general. The left is doing this way too efficiently


oh remember to tell everyone to replace the rollers in their prints post printing these, so that if somehow it's traced, the printing errors wont line up, or add your own intentionally on the image, a few pixels on bottom right would do it

agreed, someone make this

am making a discord sensitive shit can be talked about on wire or somthing

Why October 31st? We've been wearing the masks for 6+ months at this point, and trick-or-treaing is canceled.

Remember, there is no phase 2. Keep the message as it is, no need to alter it. It works because it's simple and effective. There is absolutely no need to try and change it to something more controversial.

remember, this isn't about doing something illegal, so nothing needs to be "secret" it's about holding our ground while the world burns down around us, we shouldn't be changing into second class citizens while BLM burns the world down

Tbh I don't like how defeatist "It's okay to be white" sounds. As if we'd need any justification for being white, as if it's something that is rotten or so.

not here, our government is so low on cash at this point (and we didn't turn our fractional reserve % to 0) they can't cancel anything that would bring in tax dollars, ie: seasonal events

that is how the world sees us, plus being in this kind of defensive stance makes it easy to defend our actions, anything over aggressive would put anybody caught in a bad position

Bumpety bump

inb4 newfags calling this a glowie psyop

Why always on Halloween?
I just want to give out candy and spook trick or treaters fer God's sake.

Attached: 1474062483044.png (600x832, 179.43K)

Printers leave traceable patterns on the paper. If you do this you can be linked to it if they care to chase you hard enough.

this is why i warned about changing rollers

Do you suppose we write out the signs by hand?

fuccking capta cant post the fucking thing here have a scrren shot of the invite casue capta is being a pain

Attached: fuckicapta with rusty pip wrench.png (217x50, 2.52K)
this might help