Swedish clothing company Ellos has started a campaign, "Faces of Ellos 2020". >says the fashion industry rightfully got critiqued "for not showing diversity" >now they want to show all the different bodies, colours, sizes etc, pic related. >going to collaborate with a model agency, Icon Agency >Ellos wants YOU to send applications and be a part of the campaign
Wow. So they're the official clothes of unattractive women. Doesn't seem like a great marketing strategy.
Juan Hall
Yes it does, most women are unattractive. This especially appeals to 35+ year old roasties that hit the wall and need someone to blatantly lie to them that they still look attractive.
Connor Fisher
Norwegian "body activist" Wilde Siem (pic related) says other companies must follow this example. >says it's important for the identity to be represented >"I feel my appearance never got represented when I was growing up" >"it was a trend of being as thin as possible" >"now its a bit more accepted"
really wonder what it feels like to be chose for this, precisely because you are not "traditionally" beautiful.
Cameron Morris
You don't get it man. It's about diversity! Everyone is equally beautiful!
Charles Russell
Tbf i would pump that fuckpig til I was bagless
Jack Perry
The campaign should be called the last 7 girls you swiped left on.
Logan Stewart
I don't think they process the situation the same way as we do. They probably think that the "beauty standards" are created by evil, patriarchal men. I bet 9 out of 10 of these women in the campaign are full blown feminists.
Chase Lewis
He’s probably a nigger
Lincoln Foster
>jew >chink >nigger >el arcángel de todas las razas, el ogro americano >snownigger >half-nigger, half-sandnigger >fat nigger
Lincoln Diaz
Seems like they got the whole world in that picture
women when they look at clothes, they want to see hot women in it, because they want to think they are like that Now they tell us it's a patriarchy thing, but let's be honest, this new type of marketing with ugly fat women won't work i want to look good in the clothes i buy, i don't want to look like an ugly fatty and they are all ugly fatties on those pictures
Blake Nguyen
The war on objective beauty is a necessary condition for the denial of God. If you can’t see beauty you can’t see God
>If you can’t see beauty you can’t see God Basert.
Juan King
>not showing diversity ... Advertising in Norway has had a disproportionate amount of "diverse" models for years and years ... Bennetton started the concept in the mid 80s. Scandinavians have been falling over themselves virtue signalling, trying to outdo each other in "diversity hires"... It will be a fun day when the first women grow the courage and demonstrate that women are the least tolerant when it comes to accepting ugliness as a great sales trigger. Buy this shirt! You too can be an ugly troll!
But I want to add that God does not have to come from a Abrahamic religion. Everyone by now should understand that Christianity is used to subvert the races. Kikeanity has run it's course.
I feel as though it’s turning around though. You saw that commercial from REMA 1000 (maybe some other brand don’t know), it featured a Norwegian family (white) with like 8 kids or something. Still tons of pozzd shit, but the fact that they encourage white people to have kids gives me a boost
Tyler Miller
That’s Lutheranism though. Orthodoxy is the way forward. They even have Norwegian saints
Why are your women the ugliest in Europe? Or, why do bong men love ugly women?
Dominic Powell
I can somewhat agree on that based on the current situation in Russia where the priests don't kiss refugee feet like pope Francis did. Also there are no women priests in Russia. Plus they banned the gay pride parades. t. Russian
Benjamin Hill
>body activist
She doesn't look very active.
Joshua Ortiz
>Plus they banned the gay pride parades. They meaning the goverment / Putin. Also, it's now written in the Constitution about the belief in one God.
Asher Lewis
The fact the fat people can call themselves "body activists" promoting unhealthy bodies is just ridiculous.
Gabriel Reed
Can you speak Norwegian, is it hard to learn? How hard is it to immigrate?
Ayden Scott
I wonder if it really is
Carson Hernandez
Why does diversity always means a combination of:fat, ugly, tattoos and dark skinned?
Brayden Sanders
diversity is fuckin' ugly. Like wanting to model a junker car.
Adrian Ward
It is. By a good margin. But it might not be in the cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg (Göteborg), or Malmö. ... and you can bet that whichever department of statistics collecting were keeping track of this have all been retrenched or reassigned more "wholesome" tasks.
The fact that it withstood almost a century of genocide from the commies is proof enough for me Aussie? Yeah we got room. Our country needs bleaching. Hope you like fartjokes though.