Well if the riots are curing covid shouldn't we be encouraging them to riot more?
Xavier Hill
>niggers die faster than whitey due to covid >"yes go protest ur actually helping us stop the spread!!!" ummmm based?????
Nicholas Jackson
>right wingers hold gun rally >liberals: NOO YOU CAND DO THAT! >right wingers hold motorcycle rally >liberals: NOO YOU CAND DO THAT! >indie 500 >liberals: NOO YOU CAND DO THAT! >BLM and Antifa get in large groups and burn/loot cities >liberals: YAAAS THIS IS ALLOWED
>They found no statistically significant difference in Covid-19 cases in the following month for cities with and without protests. just goes to show nothing we did to mitigate the memeflu really matters and this entire thing has been one massive social conditioning psyop
Landon Perry
>The media is fucking joke A majority of people are a fucking joke for believing the media.