
>Michael Gove: Brexit provisions to stay in Internal Market Bill

>Fierce fighting raged for a second day following a flare-up of a decades-old conflict in the Caucasus region of south-eastern Europe.

>Croydon police station shooting suspect is 23-year-old Louis De Zoysa

>Covid-19: Meeting others in pubs to be illegal in North East

>Young people ‘give up dream job hope’ in pandemic

>Labour MP charged with harassment

>Switzerland referendum: Voters reject end to free movement with EU

No matter who you are, you can improve your life. Take control. Move forward. Dreams keep us alive, fighting for them makes us feel alive.
Self Improvement information here

>Nietzsche – Overman

>The official British army fitness programme

>How to Get a Shotgun/Firearms License

>Information On Legally Owning Firearms In The UK

>A History Of Britain (part 1)

>History With Hilbert - Languages of the British Isles

>Survive The Jive - What does it mean to be English ?

>An introduction to off grid living in the UK

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Other urls found in this thread: et al_Costs of War 2020 09 08.pdf

>>The official British army fitness programme

Reminds me I need to work on cardio

British culture is centred around pajeets. They appoint pajeets to head their treasury and home office and celebrate when the nation doesn’t immediately fall apart because these are true British public serving pajeets . They put prominent pajeets like gandhi on their currency. They fill historical settings on popular bbc shows like Doctor Who with pajeets and pretend it was always that way. The underclass spends half their gibs on takeaway from Rajesh’s curryhouse. They clap in worship of their failing state healthcare system staffed almost exclusively by pajeets. Their tabloid industry revolves around newspaper articles seething about pajeet immigrants. They are inundated with pajeets to a point where a wagon wheel doesn’t make them think of the popular British chocolate snack but of the pajeet national flag. The suburbs of their capital city are filled with pajeets. Their miidle class women lust after well groomed pajeets like Dev Patel or Rishi Sunak. When you say “Asian” they are not thinking of the people of the orient but pajeets. They will tell you how much they hate pajeets and how the britbongistan meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love pajeets but the evidence speaks for itself in that Britain has always been and will be a nation of pajeet lovers.

All those BBC links

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Simple as.

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"It's Over" shills don't want us to see this. They want you to think we are alone. We are not.

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ban this idiot.

report this idiot please, do it now!

"Come to school, students and teachers. I've got so many waves for you all. Can't wait to see you at school. I will visit every school to give you all lots and lots of waves there!" - Corona Chan

Attached: Corona Chan visits the Department for Eduaction UK.jpg (960x640, 288.79K)

and people are like no nothing will happen, NO! click that button report for spamming and flooding, they will get banned its that easy...

Kek the truth hurts. Enjoy your crashed economy when you leave the eu, at least you’ll be able to import more pajeets

Define yourself, define what you are regardless of what they say. Become the master of your reality.

Why did you fucking spam that same post I'm genuinely interested, why do you hate us?

post-9/11 wars have displaced 37 million people, according to a new report released by Brown University’s Costs of War project. That figure exceeds those displaced by conflict since 1900, .

Russian Revolution 6 million
World War I 10 million
World War II 30-64+ million
India/Pakistan Partition 14 million
North & South Vietnam (1960s-1972) 13 million
East Bengal 10 million
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 6.3 million

>This study, "Creating Refugees: Displacement Caused by the U.S. Post-9/11 Wars," is the first to calculate the displacement toll of these wars. The estimate was derived by counting refugees, asylum seekers pursuing protection as refugees, and internally displaced people or persons in the eight countries that the US has most targeted: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Phillipines, Libya, and Syria. et al_Costs of War 2020 09 08.pdf

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You have no fucking power over me prick, I will toss you like salad.

same. i need running shoes . ive done a few twenty mile walks though, which is good. great way to stay active

again, T H I S

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threadsplitters get the rope

Don't worry, Jim'll fix it

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Omg Im gonna voooooooteeee

my fucking thread was first you moron...

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The EU is overrun with darkies though.

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but we are here so we will post here, i don't care. I just just prefer none links because its gay as fuck... I don't care what the fucking BBC SAYS OK?

Good, people need antibodies so they don't have to get injected with Bill Gates' Borg juice.

Unironically same. Vlaams Belang are a great party

Some facts about covid-19, 1.5 million views in a couple of weeks:
Here is yet another “crystal ball” event from the BBC, complete with “Track and Trace” app, everything:
CONTAGION! the BBC4 Pandemic
(note the interesting code they use for the programme: p_5_y0p_)
It’s from 2018 but apparently it was last shown Saturday 14 March 2020, 5 days before covid-19 was DOWNGRADED from it’s status as a high consequence infectious disease:
and 9 days before the UK went into national “lockdown”.
It’s not available on iPlayer at the moment, but can be seen on youtube:
Fuck 77, fuck shills, fuck eddie, fuck pube, fuck pornposters, fuck jannies

>The entire eu is France,Belgium, Germany, Netherlands and Sweden.
And even those aren’t as overrun as the tory frontbench

Lmfao those niggers are scarred for life

sabotage your workplace. do minor vandalism when the opportunity presents itself. we must destroy the country

this thread:
real thread:
threadsplitting cunt.

You get this dumb hype every year, some party is gonna save Europe, actual election comes and centerist coalition wins like they always do , some cope is made up like they wasn't real Nationalists.

>A criminal who hijacked and diverted a helicopter in mid-air in an attempt to break his wife out of a Belgian prison has been arrested after detectives found he used his own name to book the flight.

>Mike Gielen, 24, threatened the helicopter’s pilot using a replica handgun as he sought to spring Kristel Appelt, 27, from Berkendaal women’s prison in south Brussels on Friday, where she was being held on suspicion of murdering an ex-boyfriend.

>The helicopter circled the prison several times but Gielen’s plan was foiled as the pilot was unable to land within the courtyard. While the helicopter flew over the prison the inmates cheered and waved, but Gielen became nauseous and had to put his head out of the helicopter five times to be sick.

>The pilot was then instructed to fly to Hélécine, a town south of the Belgian capital, where a getaway car was waiting in a car park. Gielen was later found with his 50-year-old adoptive father.

>The two men and a further two suspects, aged 18 and 22, were arrested within 24 hours of the failed prison break after detectives found Gielen had used his own name when booking the helicopter at Deurne airport near Antwerp.


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we will smash them the comming weekend and we will smashing them every week end until they fucking COMPREHEND BASIC FUCKING ENGLISH OK?


i used to wank in the bogs at IBM and spunk all over the cubicle