Is it happening? Sovereign citizens opening fire on cops who try to illegally detain them???
d...does this make George Floyd like Jesus Christ?
Is it happening? Sovereign citizens opening fire on cops who try to illegally detain them???
d...does this make George Floyd like Jesus Christ?
Enemy combatants got what the fucking deserved.
Friendly reminder that OP is a discord tranny trying to sow infighting and co-opt their BLM faggotry because we're both anti ZOGbot.
>Police are protecting niggers
they aren't. they mayor and DA are
This guy was a literal aspie manchild pussy. OP is a faggot
>defending this:
The only difference is that in the citizen has a weapon to defend himself
Nah. But is coffee good for you?
Jesus. Whaddya collect these?
Shut the fuck up, Hans.
back to your discord chat room, lurk more to find out how to actually blend in here
no. The police is a good thing.
Without police crime will explode. like it had in "chaz".
The only people that hate the police are criminal scum
Do they employ literal retards? Do they not know what wheelchairs are for?
All cops deserve to be shot dead in the streets.
>Defending ZOGbots in any circumstance
Kill yourself you unironic bootlickers. Those cops were preforming an illegal detention and search on a man for a minor traffic violation and he defended himself from tyranny like the founding fathers intended.
You're the type of niggers to tip the police officer and thank him for his service as his gun is aimed at your heads.
go be a jew commie-anarchist somewhere else
Nah faggot, act like a nigger get treated like one. Also is coffee good for you?
Go be a bootlicker somewhere else, MIGApede.
>go be a jew commie-anarchist somewhere else
What a retarded faggot. Cops are commies in my eyes. Gutless, spineless, retarded commie faggots.
Maybe if you grow up you will realize that the police is a necessary tool. Not every cop is evil but sadly some are.
Cops are niggers
>d...does this make George Floyd like Jesus Christ?
My dude, real talk here: spiritualize yourself.
I'll help you out:
And stop watching crap. Stop putting crap into your mind and sharing crap to others.
Kids was a stealth-nigger.
So were the cops.
Cops got brained
Kid probably going to fry for it.
Somebody call the based department.
Is coffee good for you?
Why would you have that picture saved on your iPhone? Faggot confirmed
imagine bootlicking THIS fucking much, you'd let a cop rape you in the ass if you got pulled over you fag.
this guy is just a fat retard manchild
he's going to get tortured every day until he possibly gets the chance to kill himself. if not, every day for about 40 years.
No but guys seriously, is coffee good for you?
Holy kek how does a paraplegic take on five of them at once? Cops should be killed just for being retarded