(((They))) are slowly invading Japan, the one of the last ethnostates in the world.
OY VEY (in Japan)
They need diversity
Nah they are based, they survive the
attempts of globohomo insertion after ww2, they are fine.
This is demoralization thread
>Nah they are based, they survive the attempts of globohomo insertion after ww2
Yea, and this is exactly why the kikes and the left are trying to invade and ruin their country.
-Japan doesnt care about trannies they never hated them there is no struggle or anything like that to use as a wedge issue to push anything, it helps that in japan people almost never use pronouns and instead refer to others using their names
-Tokyo being oversaturated and not being the be all for a japanese person is a good thing, while dumb westerners fall for the meme it wont amount to anything and almost all westerners leave japan after less than a year because they cannot adapt to the culture, specially the work culture
-the BLM protest in tokyo were like 100 people and not a single japanese in it and nobody cared about it
-jews cant do anything with manga because its all grassroots at most they will make some anime movie aimed at international audiences like alita
Are they trying to fuck it up? Sure
Should you worry? Eh not really
>they never hated them
Then they should hate them though.
Why don't you people respect others tradition?
Have you heard of Shudo? Japan has a long history of LGBT culture and it's nothing like the western bullshit at all. We have no problem with them. Now don't tell us what to do.
>while dumb westerners fall for the meme it wont amount to anything and almost all westerners leave japan after less than a year
That sounds good but what about asians and africans? Aren't they even worse than westerners?
>t. English teacher
Nobody cares about muh LGBT history, it's like more than a hundred years ago. Most modern Japanese hate those faggots and trannies.
Nips are strong. I believe in you fags that you won't let the globo-homo turn you into a disgrace , 2 nukes weren't enough. Stay strong nip anons , i hope you can at least be model and dodge the madness.
>what about asians and africans?
Usually criminals, involved in smuggling drugs and prostitution maybe 1% of them are able to adapt and I suspect it would be those who come from hong kong, Tokyo is fucking expensive, and in Japan law and order is brutal so many of them will go away for a loooong time. There is also police corruption of course but thats what you get in one of the biggest cities in the world no matter what,
My point was that Japan is no longer just Tokyo. Tokyo is no longer the dream for Japanese people to move into and thats not a bad thing
>anyone who respect their tradition must be an english teacher
Retarded logic. Now fuck off and don't ever tell us what to do. Japan isn't christian country and we have no problem with LGBT people.
>Japan doesnt care about trannies they never hated them there is no struggle or anything like that to use as a wedge issue to push anything
JFL if you thing pushing an agenda has anything to do with reality. Here we have a relatively low domestic violence/rape compared to other american countries yet the media started a campaign saying we were literally Hitler and killing women en masse. Guess what? 90 IQ wimmin bought that shit and now they are pushing globohomo like mad.
If the left wants (and more importantly, if it's allowed to) it can create racial tension in an ethnically homogenous country, or gender-related tension in an "egalitarian" place.
Well yeah as I said they are trying I just dont think they will succeed. Japanese females dont hate men if anything they desperately want their men to be more manly and toss them around a little.
I hate this world
Ok Davido, but you can't fool us anymore. Japanese TV treat faggots like literal clowns.
Everyday I see more similarities between Jews and niggers.
japan needs bbc
They do not
>not a single japanese in the BLM protests
But the guy in the OP's pic is clearly a Japanese. Search and see his posts.
japanese women are BUILT FOR BBC
as long as there's no outside interference its okay. leave them be. Otherwise they deserve to BTFO this instant.
Face it, Japan is not you nazis' ideal dream country. Leave us alone.
demoralization thread. fuck you op, you're gay. die. this thread is bait. Japan is still going strong! never give up!
>yess good goy ignore all the problems so we can ruin japan easier
Waaah waaahh honestly don’t care what happens to nonwhite chink countries only care about what happens to Europeans
you can't become japanese without japanese blood. This reason alone will ensure their survival.
This. Fuck weebs and yellow fever.
Ironically, Japan is more European than most actual European countries that are cucked.
こんばんはダヴィドさん、get the fuck out of Japan.
>Japan doesnt care about trannies they never hated them there is no struggle or anything like that to use as a wedge issue to push anything, it helps that in japan people almost never use pronouns and instead refer to others using their names
>Tokyo being oversaturated and not being the be all for a japanese person is a good thing, while dumb westerners fall for the meme it wont amount to anything and almost all westerners leave japan after less than a year because they cannot adapt to the culture, specially the work culture
I've seen a lot of negros who look too dumb to even learn the language happily walking with their Japanese girlfriends though. Sometimes with kids. Also, from my own experience I know that Jap girls in their 30's are very open to gaijin cock.
That process is well on its way here, but in places like Korea is worse I think.
That's sometimes true as well.
Also true "le redpilled Japs" Zig Forums meme is one of the most delusional shit you find here.
t. guy who's been living for 2+ years here and soon to leave (take it for what is worth).
>negros who look too dumb to even learn the language
Where do they work then?
I've seen that type working as bouncers under a Jap sumo-build fatso at a club called Ghost in Osaka (lots of Jap girls with negros inside as well). There's lots of manual labor they can do, just like the underclass vietnamese who come en masse here.
Great there is going to be niggers and faggots in anime now