It’s 13/56 now.
Stop Using 13/50
And that's not even counting all the shit they do where they get a free pass and doesn't get charged because of Muh-racism.
don't forget the endless amount of unsolved gang related murders
Not surprising. Given how we have been treating them so terribly for so long. Racism actually exists guys. Like wow.
On the other hand, I'm sure the victims found comfort in knowing that they were murdered because of socioeconomic reasons.
Like wow.
Each time I bring up statistics the excuses were that they were made by white people or it's because of social-economics situations like poverty.
You can never win.
Isn't it more like ~8/56 because black females aren't the ones committing the majority of these murders?
lets just round up to 13/60 because they don't count people who aren't convnicted
that's the thing. probably 80% of the "unknown" are niggers
4/56 then. Old blacks and very young ones don't murder, so it's basically male, fighting age groids that commit 56% of the murder in the US
dont you mean 6-56? How many nigresses are doing violent crimes?
I live in a predominantly white area and most of the nigs are well behaved. So of course all the whites up here think nigs only act crazy on TV. They've never lived with them. They have no clue what the reality is once there are more nigs than whites. That well behaved Tyrone will turn into a savage piece of shit in an instant. All anyone has to do is live around them to know this incontrovertible truth.
Didn't Obama try to put an end to crime data collection by race?
basically this, it's literally a tiny population of feral niggers that are causing well over half of the crime in the USA.
Slavery was a fuckin mistake.
Based, fuck niggers
Hindsight is 20/20 isn't it, bazza
Any blacks that commit a felony violent crime should be castrated
It certainly is, José.
If you take women out of the equation the desparity is even worse.
That's señior José to you, queen fucker
This. real statistic is probably closer to 70 or 80%.
56% crime in 56% muttland
Liberals contest this by saying Blacks are policed more.
Think about that for a second.
Highly probable that you are trolling, but this is truly a chicken or the egg situation.
Do you think we hated Blacks before they were criminals, or after?
It was never exactly 50% we just rounded off. Real figure was more like 52% or something
Racism is a good thing, nigger.
of that 13.4%, how many are males aged 18-60?
Not with that attitude. Try some 1488 spirit!
>dyn du dindu nuffin
Like wow, right nigger?
You're really a spic? This board sucks.