So Zig Forums, do you defend Stand Your Ground?
Fat fuck stands ground
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What the fuck are you talking about?
That's a image.
is he gaining weight again?
Video for context.
>"The truth is, the game was rigged from the start."
Yes. It’s legal to shoot youtubers isn’t it?
Yes. At the same time bastards like fatfuck here ask for it.
Boogie would be a literally who to everyone if he wasn’t a Basedboy sniveling bastard, not to mention such a disgusting fatfuck his repulsiveness is famous.
TL;DR none of this matters.
A fat overly sensitive semi-literally who asshole who makes his living off Youtube named Boogie exists. Some other obnoxious bait-tard Nobody, who happens to be almost equally as fat, kept making him autistically reeee. Well... gave his unending need to Reee a focus point is a more correct statement.
Boogie had his fans report OtherFat, so the jews would take his youtube account and shuddit down. Boogie is a sniveling worm like that. Boogie had won the Youtube FatWar.
Well, Otherfat got butthurt and showed up at his house to Troll Moar.
He persisted, he dared him to shoot him, he wouldn’t leave, and fat Boogie shot him.
I should have deleted this. I wish they’d both died of a heart attack.
Hes such a hardcore lefty im surprised he even owns a gun
Who did he point a gun at?
Boogie NOOOOO!
what a fat fucking pussy boogie is
So is boogie going to jail?
They shoad Frank's YouTube rip
Do you cut your dick off to prevent 90% of all male-on-female rapes?
He should have shot the faggot. Full 6. 5 to the chest and one for his ugly mug.
shoot your shot
This was a publicity stunt you retard. Doesn't surprise me that Zig Forums falls for the keemstar bait
Sooo... Not a single one of you faggots wants to give me a link or something?
Seriously why even bring it up if there’s no video to laugh at.
You can't just fire warning shots to someone who is not threatening your life physically and is unarmed and not doing any illegal activity on your property in Michigan, if I'm not mistaken thats where Boogie is from. That being all said he will most likely get some sort of hard slap on the wrist like his firearm might be taken from him.
He lives in Arkansas, which has surprisingly lame self defense laws given its location.
Boogie was smart enough to keep most of it off because its going to court but I don't know about the guy with gopros footage.
100% should have put a bullet between that edge-lord’s eyes. Would have been glorious.
>it's a shill using a vpn
How much is that fat faggot paying you to try to make this viral?
I dont know what Arkansas is like with castle doctrine type laws. I'll add if Boogie was really dumb and didn't call the cops first about a person on his property he is going to get fucked for sure over this.
get on the white man's level niggers
boogie claims he spoke to police about it before-hand and they basically told him that he could kill fatty#2 if he showed up on his property.
That kinda sounds like a boogie cope, though.
Its almost like... you build strawmen in your head user...
I thought it was alabama?
It's Arkansaws you fucking retards.
It is not a Castle Doctrine state, its a run away state. Boogie is unequivocally fucked. Probably a felony. Most Frank gets is a misdemeanor.
>fired a warning shot
That's where he fucked up.
Boogie is ded. I can't believe it frens
you're a fucking nigger.
Close-up photo of the alleged stalker has been released by the police
Reddit personified. He talks like they type.
>do you defend Stand Your Ground?
I not only defend it, I expand it ---- a man has a TOTAL right to defend himself, his family, and his property in any way necessary, wherever he happens to be.
The notion that a man must flee an evil aggressor is childish and evil in itself.
It was an intervention, if Boogie goes to prison he'll lose weight
lefties support guns for themselves, just not anyone else. they're all very infantile, so it's to be expected
>says he will shoot to wound
>fires a warning shot
from what i knew you can do neither of these things, you shoot to kill always
Boogie came out and said he supported gun ownership if I recall.
>open the door you fat fagget
>looks like this
so this is not considered fat by US standards?
Ultra close-up photo of the alleged stalker has also been release by police
Frank is peak male performance dipshit
mother fucking summer fags.
boogie couldn't even grow facial hair until he started taking testosterone in his 40s. he's another level
that's call a king's belly my fren, sorry you're too poor of a factory worker to acheive it Gutenberg ;0
Arkansas IS a castle doctrine state, basically all states are, but in Arkansas that only applies in your actual house (not the rest of your property like in some states) and only if someone is actually attacking you. Frank was just hanging around being annoying.
one has spent thousands of dollars trying to lose weight and spent hours of his life crying about being fat.
Boogie looks like that after a gastric band
Clear publicity stunt. Boogie is barely getting any views anymore since he self sabotaged multiple times with his retarded videos.
I'm from Chile gringo chupa tula
You guys realize Frank is actually one of Sam's guys right
>huurrrr durrrrr what is irony
right and your ID just magically changes every post
So is all we have about this the boogie video and that one pic in that tweet getting spammed everywhere?
Makes me think about all those anti-Gamergate people crying about "death threats" and "harassment" that just amounted to nothing more than edgy teens telling them to "KYS" on twitter. I'm sure they won't have shit to say about this though since it's just some fat dude instead of a poor oppressed woman.
stop posting this fake e-celeb shekelgrubbing stunt. if you get the higher res pic, you'll see the fat bastard's gun has all empty chambers. you can see chamber 2 is empty in this pic.
that makes him an even bigger faggot
I literally only ever hear about him when he does something retarded so it makes me lose a lot of faith in zoomers that I keep hearing all this "it was just one mistake, he does all this other great stuff!" kind of shit from his fans, he doesn't actually make interesting content.
This seems like a stunt. Are people really this mentally ill right now? Imagine how much better everyones life would be without the internet.
El Goblino Americano
you mean the mass shooter?