Thoughts on this ?
Thoughts on this ?
Whats this supposed to mean
It's a credit rating of countries retard
what the fuck is a credit rating
stop being poor
ok retard
in all fields btw
stop being jew'd
I only know MOODYZ
Why doesn't the ocean pay it's fucking bills? C credit rating. Everywhere with water.
When did we get Triple a status back?
governments have to pay their bills, sometimes they spend more than they earn in taxes, that's when they put out in the market a little piece of paper promising they'll pay the money back with interest, some countries have their shit together so it's pretty safe to buy their piece of paper, some other countries are slowly sliding towards collapse, credit agencies do the job of measuring this, the risk, in the form of little grades that you see on the map, they employ all kinds of people and they take into account everything from macroeconomics fundamentals (like debt/gdp ratio), to critical legislative bottlenecks, particular political dynamics, odds of a coup or revolution, etc.
The existence of black people is inexcusable.
This map is literally a ranking.
It is a ranking of what countries possess a population capable of 1. Keeping its shit together 2. Ability to extract value from its people to pay back debt and/or print more money and devalue the currency.
National debt is irrelevant for the US as nobody will ever collect it
credit rating for the US is worthless
It could be C and it wouldn’t matter
>shit that will never ever affect quality of life for normal citizens
ah got you
If country has good rating, it gets better deal when loaning money. Less interest or something like that.
wernt these the same guys involved with the housing crash
A third party estimation of the risk of lending money to these governments.
USA, Canada, UK, etc. are the least risky
"sometimes they spend more"
You mean always. You mean if they didn't spend more, that it would lead to economic collapse due to a "liquidation crisis".
AKA the commercial bank's ponzi scheme has run out of contributors.
Im surprised Namibia is as low as us (junk status). Must be all that glorious Chinese infrastructure.
Ha Bong land is worse than all of their former settled colonies
>When governments get elected on promises of a no-deficit budget but run huge deficits anyways for over 30 years yet still retain triple A credit thanks to their ability and willingness to sell out to foreign interests
Lmao imagine being Italian and thinking your government’s ability to borrow money is irrelevant to you
You're thinking of Lehmann Brothers or Bear Stearns.
It affects you more than you will ever know. Every country on the planet runs on debt economy now.
Inflation is taxation. Invisible taxation.
It's about countries borrowing money. The credit rating is determined by how the risk of a default (the government not paying it back) is.
AAA means it's highly likely to be paid back. Anything with a C means you can kiss your money goodbye.
unfortunately there are too many ignorant people here
It is relevant to the people itself. It devalues their currency forcing assets into higher and higher bubbles as few want to actually hold cash.
kind-of good info. Now overlay with the denomination of those obligations and enjoy America's S++ tier dominance of finance.
Singapore only AAA rated Asian country?
Imagine being this retarded. Fucking zoomers, man
goy power levels
According to the movie I watched, kek, it was the credit rating agencies that dropped the ball, they made it seem like the credit rating agencies could of rated the bad mortgages as actually bad but they never did because it was in their interest to rate them higher than what they actually were
S&P rating is the one that lost a grade, Moody's is Aaa, but negative outlook.
Yeah man I totally give a flying fuck about this shit when it's legal in my country to pay someone 2 euros an hour, with no unemployment checks afterwards, no sick days, no holidays, and no paid overtime.
They didn't drop the ball in as much as they were cashing in on it.
And I can pretty much guarantee there are shenanigans afoot with country ratings, since a change makes or breaks billions and billions of dollars.
It's amazingly accurate except for Peru and China which should be so much lower.
Like said.
My understanding is that the fault was primarily on the banks for giving out subprime loans in order to then sell that debt on other IBs as a low risk investment. Issue is, of course, this had adverse effects on the market as a whole. I have to read up more in depth about the situation before I can authoritatively talk about it, though.
Imagine youre an alien and you live on a planet made of gold. You find out that planet Earth loves gold as its a rare commodity and finite. So you hop in your spaceship with a load of gold and fly to planet Earth. Planet Earth supply/demand curve has created a stable price for it.
And then you show about to dump a shit ton of gold into the gold supply which will cause the value of anyone holding gold to go down as there is more of it in supply. But you havn't done it yet. You get to decide what to buy at the current prices for your supply of infinite gold. The economy hasn't reacted yet nor has anticipated the supply increasing. So you get to buy on "discount".
This is how the government extracts value out of you. They use fake/printed money that they get to spend first and they get to do this every single year. Every year the debt ceiling gets higher. Inflation follows and everyone holding currency loses value. The people who don't have the resources to move their currency into assets like homes take the biggest hit. This is the single greatest cause of inequality in the United States.
The infograph in OP's photo is simply a rating on who can keep their bullshit, money printing ponzi scheme going for the longest.