>Fierce fighting raged for a second day following a flare-up of a decades-old conflict in the Caucasus region of south-eastern Europe. bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-54323553
__________/sig/_ >REMEMBER SELF IMPROVEMENT No matter who you are, you can improve your life. Take control. Move forward. Dreams keep us alive, fighting for them makes us feel alive. Self Improvement information here pastebin.com/3Qv9B4r1
Getting hot out there. Turn the sound on for dramatic effect...
>I think the soldier with the camera is killed towards the end of the video. Notice how he went from crawling and screaming to silent and still.
>I think a piece of shrapnel/debris straight into his brain, instant lights out. Brutal. RIP.
Comments from link.
Jackson Gomez
>Fuck GCHQ >Fuck 77th >Fuck Mi5/6 >Fuck 'Police' >Fuck All the Zionist Owned Government >Fuck The useless 'monarchs'. >Fuck Masks >Fuck Fines >Fuck Lockdowns >Fuck Social distancing >Fuck Curfews >Fuck Martials >Fuck the media >Fuck social media >Fuck cowards >Fuck councils >Fuck mayors >Fuck Bolshevik Boris >Fuck Pritti Shitty Patel >Fuck the NHS saboteurs >Fuck 'New Normal' >Fuck Shills >Fuck it all.
Ready the nooses lads, there's plenty of lampposts to be decorated around Westminster.
Have you seen the reports that the Turks shot down an Armenian SU-25 in Armenian airspace hours after announcing military support for the Azeris?
Two threads up Turks and Azeris are denying it.
Lincoln Harris
Let's talk about lezzer satanist Cressida Dick.
Juan Evans
I better not catch any of you sobbing like that when it kicks off here
Juan Brooks
I saw anons in /WITC/ talking about an aircraft disappearing over Iran, I think
Jordan Johnson
I would like to know more about trees.
Kevin Cruz
I'm ready for things you wouldn't believe could ever happen on this earth.
Not the same event I don't think. Can you do me a favour, though? Can you see if you can see if you can find any confirmation over who's telling the truth about the SU-25, if it went down, if it was shot down, and by whom if it was.
Henry Thompson
>Can you do me a favour, though?
I'm phoneposting atm m8. /witc/ (war in the Caucasus) is a constant thread right now though
Jonathan Cox
>I have no idea what a deficit is and wtf I'm talking about
Okay, nevermind. Thanks anyway. There's threads up about the specific incident, nobody has confirmation. Twitter OSINT and RUMINT is divided on opinion, but no concrete evidence either way.