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Brandon Peterson
Adam Anderson
Nice, let the 'free market' dictate.
Grayson Sullivan
stop whining like a faggot faggot
Joseph Thomas
I don't know why, but I laughed pretty fucking hard.
Lol delusional. You like what MegaCorps and their billion dollar PR budgets tell you to like.
Wyatt Price
What the fuck is your point? Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson are all played by niggers in plays and live action related shit all down Broadway now it's nothing new.
John Carter
>Peter Pan and the lost boys are really passionate about social justice
Easton Russell
That jawline. Tranny for sure
Brandon Cox
>You like what MegaCorps and their billion dollar PR budgets tell you to like.
no u
Josiah Harris
this. it will flop bigger than the nigger mermaid.
Christopher Butler
Capeshit and IPAs for days
Ethan Cruz
Don’t worry, in Hamilton the loyalist villains are still White.
Cooper Gonzalez
Tinker bell is already an honorary degenerate nigger anyways.
This stuff is losing Disney lots of money. Just be happy that you’ll be 50 reading about their bankruptcy
Asher Anderson
Nathan Nguyen
>still caring about this shit
Its dead
Luke Gray
Holy shit, they literally brought the magical negro trope to life.
Gabriel King
Cultural genocide. It doesn't just stop here. Every thing will be blacked.
Before your very eyes.
Logan Johnson
Why does Disney love to throw money away?
Christian Ross
i wan fuk dat monkey, damn!!
Nicholas Martin
You have to believe .... You have to believe ...
Lucas Russell
Ah yes. Two identical twins.
Gavin Anderson
So is your dad
Gabriel Morales
Also this totally ruins Tinkerbell rule 34 for me, it's gonna be swamped with bestiality after this. I may have degenerate fantasies about women that are smaller than my dick but at least she was white, and giant/human relations are biblically sanctioned.
Luis Cox
Typical nigger drinking during the day
Adrian Hall
No, she isn't. No one cares about the modern remakes no matter how big it's fake jewbucks number is, and the classics will still be the gold standard in culture in decades to come.
Oliver Cook
If people were actually fed up with this stuff, they would quit doing it. It's obviously working for them.
Matthew Richardson
Niggers have no culture, they steal everything.
Sebastian Fisher
Are fat trashy black chicks gonna start getting Tinkerbell tattoos now?
Carson Smith
>Why does Disney love to throw money away?
It's a tax strategy and money laundering technique. End stage capitalism before total collapse.
Evan Sullivan
She's supposed to be Tinkerbell, they casted Niggabell, but hey at least it ain't Taco Bell.
Jason Gutierrez
That’s a container for light you ignorant fuck. How else are they going to light up the fireflies?
Brody Fisher
this is mental cruelty against innocent little Niglets.
its telling them they don't have any real folk tales or ethnic culture, which is a lie, so they must be awkwardly shoe-horned as Affirmative Action unwanteds into White roles.
Black actually have very "rich and vibrant" folk culture, for reals. What White kid didn't wish he was Black after seeing "Song of the South".
The Boggy Man is Negro invention.
Joshua Sanders
90% rating secured on RottenTomatoes.
Eventually the media won't report a flop or even prevent it from happening with paid shills.
Caleb Murphy
If we intend to survive, the American golems must fucking DIE.
Luke Martinez
Ethan James
Ryan Lee
They will keep doing it though even when this bombs.
Josiah Brown
working how? it's not about money for (((them)))
Elijah Bell
Disney just makes superfluous flops these days.
Have any of these live action remakes done well, in the box office and among critics?
Peckerwood Pan will be forgotten after it costs Disney 100 million funbux.
Anthony Bennett
good work following the rule, OP.
Camden Cox
The irony is that Hamilton has become an icon to the left because of that retarded play, but Hamilton was literally a proto-neocon, before it was even a thing.
He pushed for a central bank and he was a warhawk.
Literally the og neocon. I wouldnt be surprised if he was a crypto-jew.
Josiah Hernandez
its like they are trying to redo the same TV psyop propaganda consumer shit they did to whites for so long but now they are trying to do it to blacks. Just a sign that this shit is dying and almost over with. Eventually it will get to the point where you can slaughter niggers and no one will bat an eye. Heil hitler 2.0
Noah Perry
It’s not, Disney is bleeding piles of cash and the people calling the shots don’t care. At some point they’ll just sell off to someone with more business sense I suspect.
Noah Russell
Not political, faggot shill thread, sage
Jayden Gray
This seems like a pretty good idea
Levi Butler
save the image. repost it. spread the word
Xavier Torres
hypocrisy by disney
Samuel Foster
What's the hubub now.
Maybe they should cast a Chinkerbell
Chase Myers
I prefer Asian Wrestling Idol Tinkerbell
John Sullivan
Thomas Gray
They're funded with taxpayers money, free market do shit
Ethan Ross
they'll run out of money eventually.,
Noah Morales
They'll probably sell off to China. They'll get a big pile of monopoly money to blow on dick choppings and hormones.
Nathaniel Myers
great idea comrades
Jonathan Perez
If CNN produces it their filters will make her white. You're good OP just sit back and jack it to tranny porn.
Jeremiah Baker
Nigger Bell
Colton Green
Sage smells like shit when it smolders. Fucking hippies.
Cooper Evans
>Nigger Bell
She'll be a fairy QUEEEEEENNNN!!!