Der CHUDen....
Der CHUDen
Of course cops want to uphold these unconstitutional laws. Because they are such great people that deserve our praise and respect. God bless those pigs.
>all armed to the teeth
>CoMe AnD TaKe It
>surrender without firing a shot
What a bunch of gay retards
patriot mugshots look like they are having fun meanwhile antifa mugshots look like they just shit their pants
Conservatives simultaneously "blue lives matter" and hate the cops at the same time
This, what a bunch of larpers
Don't play dress up unless you're willing to get dirty
This lmao. Pussy land
This is literally Pewdiepie
>they didn't get into a shootout with cops over drinking beer at a bar, what IDIOTS
I see there was more than a little cousin-fucking going on in you guys's family tree.
They should have said the magic words that make protests legal.
Schools are open, so why isn't everything else? Fuck you niggers who think a coronavirus will just die out.
>Der CHUDen....
I know what you are, but what am i?
>Back the blue patriots....what do you mean dont thread on me?
Dont know what is going on anymore.
>der chuden keeps spamming this tranny collage in all threads that he seethes at
Why even posture like you're going to defend the bar then? you just embarrass yourself
Fuck that cripple Greg Abbot, open the fucking bars!
Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Antifa fags want to divide and conquer. We support the cops when they are destroying you, never going to help the commies .
This happened like 3 or 4 months ago, I ain't a texas user but I would imagine things are starting to open back up
Wish those four had smiled as well, would have been a great mugshot
it looks like everybody is having a great time in America. Either start the fucking civil war/revolution or continue to be attrited by asshole government goons.
Roll'em! And LOL @ your trips user.
I want the blonde one with glasses.
"Why yes, I do believe in reducing migration to keep wages high and protect my own people."
>right wing males
>stronger, hotter, more sex
Yes and yes, but how do you determine the last one? All you can do is ask people how much sex they have. I mean, we all know that bootlicking antifas absolute love to lie at every chance they get, I think it's strange that when it comes to women, they suddenly admit they are virgins. Or is this the pedophile angle? Like, they cannot tell anyone they have sex, because the rape children? (like leftist-protected Rotherham Muslims, 1400+ Kids, not kidding here fellow punks)
Wew lad