
When will Zig Forums learn it's not a fucking debate?


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Don't remember anyone saying otherwise in the last 40 completely peaceful years.

This is a talking point
Biden will deliver this exact talking point tonight

Appeal to authority.

Eternal life matter.

Reminder that white liberals literally kneel to niggers.

When you can’t debate it stops being political and starts being religious.

>if I stick my fingers in my ears and chant LALALALALALALA, there's no debate

If they actually mattered you wouldn't need to keep saying it.

It is a debate.

No lives matter learn your place you insignificant mote of dust

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sure when morons stop destroying stuff and people pull they're heads out of they're collective asses

backives mava

>It's not a debate
>Burn down cities, abolish families, kill cops, kill white people, embrace communism, vote for a demantia patient
Thanks adidas!

Black Lives Matter.
in the literal sense that a human being has worth. Yes
The political movement is a communist shitshow.

Also this is a slide thread. Brands have been virtue signaling for awhile.

Actually with all the killing they do to others I would say YES IT IS A DEBATABLE Question,

I don't have any responsibility for the black race, and I don't want any.
Black lives don't even matter to black people, and no amount of goodwill or charity will ever be reciprocated anyway.

fuck off twitter shill

backives meda

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I agree it's not a debate.
I don't give a fuck.


Let's find out ah-one ah-two ah-no

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All day I dream about segregation

No one stands around repeating the sun will rise in the east. Why? Because its true

It’s black people who need to be convinced black lives matter.

Then stop shooting each other and accidentally innocent people all the fucking time

Black lives don't even matter to other blacks, why do they expect other races to value their lives when they can't even value each other?

Virtue signaling. How brave

Maybe when they start mattering to themselves we'll take that statement more seriously.

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Until it's ok to be white, black lives can't matter.

black is evil, no, evil doesn't matter.

Black consumers matter to corporations.

>Corporations are evil
>Except when they say hip things
Based leftists

Actually it is a debate. But once blacks start carrying about black on black crime then maybe the world will stop and listen. BLM tactics are counter productive. And Marxist. We don't like Commies in America.

Hey fuck off part of why we couldn't send them back after the civil war is because all of the bellyaching France and England did about how mean that would be. You guys wouldn't trade with us unless we kept our niggers so we shipped them to you as revenge. I don't agree with what happened, but happened it did nonetheless

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yeah im going to debate some makers of shoes about fucking NIGGERS.... fuck of

Why do Africans in Africa sell black slaves? Answer that.

LOL I almost ordered a pair of Sambas today. I'll hold off

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I'm not surprised Adidas supports the joggers. Gotta wear good footwear when running away from the police.

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When will you learn niggers arent human...and that they arent alive but just merely existing?

Let's assume for the sake of argument that the lives of black people matter (which I assume is the point they're trying to make here). Let's assume as a base that anyone's life matters to anyone aside from themselves. I disagree but we can argue metaphysics later. In any case, so the life of a black person matters. Now what? What is the actual point of saying this? What is the logical progression of thought? What is the end objective? Let me start off the discussion with a proposed argument.

Black Lives Matter, Your white western culture states that it is the responsibility of those with resources to defend and support the lives of those who have not and can not for themseelves. Therefore, gibsmedat.

I believe the intended "call to action" is obvious but I would argue that booth steps in the logic to arrive at that call are incorrect. Anyone?

I really wanted those Cyberpunk Adidas
looks like I'm gonna pass
my pillow guy make sneakers yet?

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Then why don't they matter to black people unless it's a white cop?

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Prove it than. Even all those "black inventors" get debunked in 2 minutes of actually reading real history. Prove to America we would be worse off without black people. I'll wait.

For 40 peaceful years we were living under an u spoken misunderstanding about how and why we stopped discriminating against blacks. Blm is just the misunderstanding finally coming to a head.
Whites beleived we stopped discriminating because it was mean and unfair to niggers who can't build their own societies.
Niggers beleived that it's because blacks are the greatest and deserve to be the top race, and ending discrimination was just a baby step towards that goal.

But they don't. Not inherently.
Not all lives matter. Not all black lives matter.


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why cant blacks go back to africa if this country is so racist dumb nigger idiots

What is the point of this movement? What’ is the goal?


Your electric Jew has convinced the liberal white over-educated late 20-30 year olds that there is a 'racial' issue in the United States.

Buy more of our shit. Peacetime doesn't bring prosperity for jew banks and particular markets. This is an economic scenario that the jews devised post Obama.

America isn't racist. See Obama, Lil Wayne, Robert Satcher, Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey, Kenneth Frazier, Michael Jordan.

The jews realized that post-Obama, white americans were getting too comfortable with blacks.

This happened 40 years ago when the jews subversively introduced crack-cocaine to black communities through the CIA.

White people: stop sluuurping up the race-baiting soup they're leaving out for you!

>it's not a fucking debate?
yet taxpayer money funded murals in dem shithole cities.

I’d like an answer to this anons question. What is the point? So someone’s life matters, so what?

Be sure to remind them that their founder was a member of the Nazi party.

bc Africa is a corrupt beurocratic war-lord waste land.

Everything is western society is so fucking easy, its not even funny. Access to capital, free-markets, low cost of living, belief in the justice system, representative democracy.

Things are so fucking easy here for everyone. The blacks don't want to work hard towards anything so they put up a white flag and pull the race card.

If they went back to Africa they'd have to actually work. Blacks will also claim that they have the 'same inheritance to the US at whites' because they were brought over as slaves.

You can't argue with lunatics. Just nod your head quietly and vote for what you believe in.


Wow. These companies are saving me tons of money. I needed a new pair of Sambas. Fuck that.

STFU you faggot ass leaf, so gay you are. Your entire country is so gay, faggotry abound I would say. It's literally impossible for you not to be a raging homosexual in canada.

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If Black Lives Matter, why aren't you out their educating black people to respect each other.

And when you donate to BLM all the money goes to Hiden Biden and the Democratic Party.