What do you think Biden is doing in this exact moment?

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Snorting a line to get ready for tonight


Cryogenic chamber

Shitposting on Zig Forums

shadow boxing

Encouraging his paid posters to set expectations low for his debate performance. The worse people think he will do, the better he will look.

>Snorting a line to get ready for tonight
That's what I would do.

Napping most likely before the injections of adrenaline and amphetamines

Wearing some used panties on his head

buying gummy bears at sneeds seed and feed

Around his forehead or over his nose?

Sleeping while hooked up to an IV

Readying to blow Trump the fuck out?

Listening to his aide tell him for the ten billionth time " When you get confused go back to covid"

One of his staffers is reminding him not to say nigger.

drinking the liquid that drips from conservatives faces as they rage cry.

Designing roller coasters and a machine to beat people off to death for his new trump supporter concentration camps.

Probably celebrating with his catholic friends and family. I actually cried, Biden's performance tonight made me realize I'm voting for him.

Stop making excuses and have some dignity in admitting Trump embarrassed himself and America in tonight's debate.

I was for Trump but after tonight's debate performance I can no longer admit he is fit for office. It's time to do the right thing and Vote Biden. Trump is clearly not fit for office and tonight's performance proves what we all already knew. Trump has mental decline and tonight proved it. Biden is the clear stable genius.

Second round of enemas

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>What do you think Biden is doing in this exact moment?
Sleeping. His name is sleepy joe.

Nope Biden is a shartposter. There’s a big difference between shitposting and shartposting. You sniff good like newfag though.

getting a blood transfusion and having his daily hypnotherapy session

Ridin in his corvette with black kids

High salt content is not good for people who have had multiple brain aneurysms.

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Muttering incoherently while his attendees wash the feces from his asscrack.

Iv dripping a million dollar per bag drug cocktail, mk ultra prompted vr training simulator with both controls and variance determined by an algorithm on a multi-million dollar green screen soundstage.

Reminiscing about the O'Biden-Bama days while his people try to make sure he remembers all the questions they're gonna give him at the debate

touching little boys

laugh if you want you racist fat asses Biden is going to mop the floor with mr. tax cheat tonight.

air soap


KYS shareblue shill

Fucking toddlers

Brewing an awfully hot coffee pot
Should he drop it on Donald Trump? Probably not

Not planning giving 500 billions to niggas.

Checked but not a chance.
10 years ago? Yea, maybe. Biden was pretty sharp.
He's not gonna do half as bad as many retards here think though

Please show me, on the doll, where the Orange Man touched you.

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