Meme War part 2 begins tonight

I hope everyone is using this time to organize meme folders, create sock accounts, prep templates, update photoshop, etc.
We all know Biden will have answers fed to him through his spinal cord via his replica Floyd molded butt plug and the entire media is frothing and drooling to jump on everything.
It's up to you frens to fight the good fight.
Whoever screencaps the moment Biden releases his bowels wins.

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bump for energising and wholesome effort, free speech for the win

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Glory awaits us anons

Trump's entire reelection campaign has been low energy as fuck, and it's because all of his former supporters on here know that he's a Zionist stooge.

Fuck you and fuck the American political system.

focus all your energy on Biden pooping himself and saying nigger and you will be rewarded

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fuck off jews

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I've seen a lot of digits and KEK ordained posts. I've got that special 2016 feeling welling up inside.
Bongs and burgers unite in this fight. Set aside our differences for this war.
Never come down.

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>begins tonight
>30 days before the election
No I don't think so. There has been no fucking energy for Trump all year and there's no use in playing catch-up shillball for him now.

There IS a phase 2!
And it's time, lads.
Post these up in the CENTER of the riot hot spots from one end of the community to the other.
Do you remember what was trending on black twitter before the easily manipulated monkey brain of the nigger horde was triggered with "FUCK WHITEY!" again?
We were damn close!

Time to get these apes back on track now that they worked out some frustration on their own neighborhoods.

Big push on Halloween?
Turn the golems against their masters.

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>Joe drools on himself tonight.
Let it be for the memes!

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I went to high school with that guy.

Look how the shills are filtering for all positive threads and trying to demoralize.
High shill activity means you are going against what they want.

Donald Trump, along with the GOP and every other political actor and body in the United States, have not done a thing for White people.
You can go through all of the policies, programs and debates the Republicans and the Democrats have had since the 1960's and you will not find anything with the express purpose of helping White people.
You will however find policy after policy, stance after stance, etc. in support of non-Whites.
Millions of race exclusive jobs, billions if not trillions of dollars exclusively given to non-Whites and non-White communities & opportunities.
Not a single thing done for White people though.
Fuck your faggy ass meme war. You got duped by astroturfing glowniggers in 2016 into support a zionist neocon.
How about instead of drawing White peoples support into a zionist shill who just made 3 million non-White exclusive jobs, you used your creative potential to convince those White people to radicalize into racial politics?

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park on creation date and post dead rbg memes

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Didnt read your post but I got the gist. Blah blah blah, vote for Biden. As if Biden wont accelerate the decline of white genocide 10x faster. Fuck off.

Prime example of an astroturfing glownigger.


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No, Trump and Zig Forums have an understanding. No meme war. He'll get our numerically insignificant votes, for the most part, but not a meme war. That was his choice. He still has all his faggots on Twitter to recycle stale shit from 2016, and Biden is mentally ill. It shouldn't be too hard to win. But without any explicit white identity and nationalism, weird centrist bullshit and Corona/Scientism hysteria, nobody here is going to bother opening Gimp for him.

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You put all your energy into worrying about another country because yours is already lost. Leafs are just a joke for the whole world to laugh at so they try to divert that shame to America "n-n-no you are"

I see, you're not astroturfing, you're actually just retarded.

I'm just here to watch the TPUSA shills spin tonight as not being as bad as his town hall was.

I am in
Hill Valley and saw Biden signs up.

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I'm watching the debate on stream specifically to create memes in real time.

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TPUSA thinks this place is for Notsees. They will be on twitter talking about Israel.

wonder if he knows that he's become a meme

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The only Fren related point in your pic was the first one. All the others are centrist fairytale bullshit

you'll be the laughing stock of pol soon stupid frogposter

gas yourself

Shut the fuck up, loser.

You took the time to write all that while I'm still gonna be voting for Trump.

I still struggle to accept the fact that most ameri-anons can't think beyond left and right, but their delusional pea-brain enthusiasm is pretty funny, cause they're the ones getting buttfucked from left and right for years

kys nigger
obamaleafs get the rope.
kys faggot.

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Its more depressing than anything. Just look at these absolute brainlets.

we know both wings are corrupt
the republican party as it was is all but desolved niggerfaggot.
all that's left is nationals vs. left
but seriously,

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>All the others are centrist fairytale bullshit
Here is thought for you, by getting others to ask for your forgiveness they automatically need to accept your framing of the problem. You can only be forgiven for a transgression. I grant you it is a risky strategy, and can only work with unwavering resolve. Nevertheless, apparently world religions were built on that crap.

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So pull them down faggot

standing by

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Great Meme War veteran reporting in

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redditors get the dildo chair, faggot.

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top kek

Do you have autism?


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>Epstein died under Trumps presidency, not a single official word, everything swept under the carpet
>Billions for Israel/Bill Gates/Niggers
>he handled covid19 and the nigger riots horrible
>swamp not drained, podestas, clinton foundation and everyone else in the club is still free
>his family consists of jewish chabad lubavitsch doomsday cult members
your two partie system is broken as fuck and kiked to it's core

>I was only pretending
Okay, jew.

This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine

This may prove interesting.

>T-Trump will still win g-goys! S-still voting trump!

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Okay, redditbug.
You gonna make a crypost about it later, fag?

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Says the country who literally jails any hint of nationalists. At least you can still pretend in our country.

Fucking kek that was a wild ride

Doing my part.

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confirmed kiddy diddler.

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as if I would personaly reply to some retards who can't even speak two languages, you shills be mad and any sane person wouldn't vote for Drumpf anyway

Dentures will fall out. They already have before