Why is Michigan so violent, Zig Forums? I thought you guys said that the state was nice...

Why is Michigan so violent, Zig Forums? I thought you guys said that the state was nice. But it's actually full of murderous buckwild coons. How did that happen? Why isn't anything being done about it?

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systemic racism

the education system


Nigga moment

somali immigrants put there by the democrats

one of two things happened:

>someone stepped on a nigger's basketball shoes
>someone brushed the arm of a nigger

Detroit man*



Inner cities are reservations for niggers. No one cares, injuns have em too. Every white child gets redpilled on Detroit. Let them keep shitting their cities up.

Wait, so you can go to a haunted house but cant go to church?

Beat me to it

Wow look at all the white people in that photo


Link to the article? I think I know what haunted house they’re referring to.

>Oakland county
Oh, shocking.

We don’t get somali immigrants in Michigan. Just arabs and poos.

Assuming it’s not in Pontiac it actually would be surprising.

>Man killed near Erebus Haunted House was welder from Detroit, walking away from argument, family says

>PONTIAC, Mich. (FOX 2) - The family of a 29-year-old man who was shot and killed early Sunday morning near the Erebus Haunted House in Pontiac says they've heard multiple versions of what happened.

>Douglas Reese, a welder from Detroit, was shot and killed outside the Erebus Haunted House in Pontiac early Sunday morning.

>The Oakland County Sheriff's Office says it started in the line to get inside when Reese and the suspect got into an argument. Reese got out of line and was walking to his car when the sheriff said the suspect followed him and started shooting.


I guess so.

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Knew it. Whelp they’re going out of business. Or moving.

because there are too many dangerous low iq evil white supremacist squatting there user

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Spook house?

so the house got another ghost?

Lmao I used to work there for fun. Fun fact: the clubs that used to be on that street had to be shut down with tear gas and rubber bullets every week. Something like this used to happen every week. The sheriffs office is literally 300ft away from the haunted house. Pontiac gives no fucks.

Black Lives Matter. Not too me of course, Not to niggers of course.

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Or the nigger percieved an insult, or the nigger saw something it wanted, or the nigger was bored

It's not the culture itself, it's the niggerish influence on it.

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Yeah I guess you're right. I just hate -everything- about the Detroit area and can say with a smile that I'll never see it again for the rest of my life. With the exception of Benton Harbor I love pretty much the rest of the state.

Real nigga moments


>Why is Michigan so violent

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>Michigan man
The lugenpresse won't even say Detroit anymore.

White people are tax payers. They provide more on average than they use.

All other groups are tax consumers. They cost more to have around than they ever contribute. They cost 2 to 3 times as much or more than whites can contribute. As the non-white population increases the amount of available tax funds decreases and infrastructure collapses. Foreign investors buy up all the stocks on the cheap and the country implodes. Margin call, gentile men.

The jews then start up in another country (maybe China???) and repeat the cycle.


>Why is Michigan so violent, Zig Forums?

Niggers can never follow instructions.
>Avoid congregating in groups around houses.
>The guidance also urges Michiganders to consider hosting virtual parties instead of in-person Halloween gatherings. If a gathering is hosted, it should be limited to 10 people or less per Executive Order 2020-176, social distancing should be maintained

detroit became a shithole when the auto left

fpbp it because racism

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lol niggers

Whats Africa's excuse?

And why did the auto leave?
>because lazy union niggers

Grand Rapids is getting like this too. Luckily if you move about 30 mins away there’s not shit for crime besides DVs and DUIs. Also UP=3 whole niggers up there. Pretty much past Muskegon is ‘groid-free